Now that we are all done crying over the lost initiative we need to decide what to do for the future. I believe that their are too many non-fisherman out there that have this romantic view of commercial fisherman and don't want to do anything to deprive them of their "livlihood". My suggestion is as follows. Since one of their main arguments in opposing the initiative was one of fairness, let's hit back with the same issue. How about an initiative that would guarantee sportsfisherman 25% of the catch of available fish. that's fair and I believe we would have an excellent chance of selling the public on the issue. After all, what could be more fair than allowing each user group to catch their equal share. The initiative would also have to speak to foregone catch. If the sportsman didn't catch all of their share, so be it. Let the extra fish spawn in the upper watershed. That would be good for the sportsman and good for the fish. Now all we need is for someone with the time, energy and money to step up and go to work. I don't have catch figures in front of me, but I believe the comercials have too long taken the huge majority of the available fish. It' time to even that out!