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#847591 - 07/12/13 06:08 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]

not happening tonight... jury is adjorning for the night...

back at it at 9am...

#847593 - 07/12/13 06:12 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]

Originally Posted By: *Nate*
the way i see it, is if his past was exposed, it might have shown how he REALLY was as a person, so people could get an idea about if he would have turned around to whip some ass cuz he was a G, or if he ran home and hid under his bed like alot of people would if some random guy in the dark was following them...

ive seen all i need to see, and have my thoughts... and will not tell someone what they should think, thats their choice...

but to think that he was just an innocent "kid" is pretty ballsy i think... because kids now, are more ruthless than ever... like the 16 year old kid that killed his autistic brother....

that is one of the most racisist and close minded diatribes I have ever seen...

If I was judged on the pictures taken of me and posted to the internet or of the sarcastic comments that i have made (because everyone knows how well sarcasm is projected on the internet)... I would probably be in jail now

let the jury decide and STFU...

how's that landscape job that you said you had when summer was around the corner?

#847598 - 07/12/13 06:25 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]

you better go and check my track record before you even consider calling me a racist...

and its sarcasm when he said it? really?

"2 Glock 40s... Bitch you have 80 problems"...

thats sarcasm right? theres no malice or ill will in that comment right? its all a joke right?

then why did the 19 year old kid in Texas get thrown in jail because he said what he said, and even after he said it, he posted "lol jk lol jk"... where were you standing up for him? its just sarcasm right?

the stolen jewelry was just a joke he was playing on someone?

the weed was catnip?

he was just horsing around when he swung on the bus driver?

thinking like that, is CLOSE MINDED, and ONE SIDED, but its your choice, and you can do whatever you want... but i dont agree with you...

#847599 - 07/12/13 06:28 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
Todd Offline
Dick Nipples

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
I don't think you're a racist, but there's a reason why lawyers and judges go to law's so they don't say ridiculous schit like that. If a lawyer said any of that crap in court he'd be found in Contempt and thrown in jail.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle

#847605 - 07/12/13 06:39 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
Jackson34 Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 07/11/13
Posts: 118
ITT people (besides todd) become experts on law from watching a trial and being force fed thoughts from talking heads on tv.

#847608 - 07/12/13 06:50 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: Jackson34]

i actually havent watched much of the trial, and i refuse to watch the TV stations about it...

im reading everything about it, from the left side, from the right side, from the racists, from the idiots, from everywhere...

the fact is, the media, AND the government, (including Obamas stupid ass), has fvcked this thing up from the beginning...

they have beat into everyones head, that he was just a little kid, doing nothing wrong... and all the people saying that, were people that werent even there...

like kids cant do anything wrong...

14 year old kid just a couple days ago out here in Puyallup, beat and sexually assaulted a 7 year old girl down the road from here, and left her in the bushes... because she "annoyed" him...

what im saying, is dont for one second think that just because he was 17, that he was just an innocent kid... because his past, and all the other things out, show otherwise...

dont agree with me, its not like that hasnt happened 900 thousand times... but dont be ingnorant to facts, its not wise, or logical....

#847612 - 07/12/13 07:07 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]

Originally Posted By: Hankster

Why would you think his post was "racist"?

you're right hank the post I quoted by itself was not... but when you read it, as I did, in the context of all the others it was...

stereotyping of people because of race is racism, and his posts stinks of racism...

#847615 - 07/12/13 07:10 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]

your missing what im saying Chuck, i dont know what happened that night, i wasnt there... the only people that know, are Martin, ZImmerman, and God... thats it...

could he be lying? i suppose....

could he be telling the truth? i suppose as well...

what my "facts" are, is that sh!t from his own phone, shows he wasnt just an innocent kid... his twitter account and handle NOLIMIT_N!gga and what was posted using that account, shows he wasnt just an innocent kid...

(FYI, No Limit Records, is Master P's label, which has his younger brothers Silkk and C Murder as well, C Murder is in prison right now FOR Murder, and they have rapped about selling drugs and killing people since the early 90s)

17 year old kids arent supposed to be in possesion of pistols, if his dad allowed him to take this picture then his dad is an idiot, and was raising him the wrong way obviously..

i always used to take pictures of myself doing this, i have millions of them..

then theres his dad, he had a tat on his neck before sh!t hit the fan, it says C.A.T. wich stands for Crippin ALL Time

then he goes and covers it up with this before the trial

yeah, people cover up tats all the time... but its a big no-no with gang tats generally... usually the people are running for the rest of their lives, so WHY did he do it? to not let the public know about his true identity? and what he had his own kid around?

then, the DOJ helping protesters against Zimmerman, thats a big no no, why would they do that? why would the president allow it? (they are starting to talk about this on the news now that its been leaked out)

#847617 - 07/12/13 07:15 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]

and all the people saying he "should have called the cops"...

HE DID CALL THE COPS... multiple times, and nothing was ever done about it... soooooo?

spin it around...

you just got a new boat, motor gets stolen... call the cops, nothign happens... then, 2 weeks later, your neighbors motor gets stolen, call the cops, nothing happens... then 2 weeks later, your other neighbors car gets stolen... call the cops, nothing happens... then, 2 weeks later, your boat gets stolen... call the cops, nothing happens....

then you see someone walking around in the dark, in dark clothing, in your neighborhood, in the rainy night....

you arent going to think anything right? just a kid right?

dont be so naive...

#847618 - 07/12/13 07:20 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
Todd Offline
Dick Nipples

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Nate, based on that set of "facts", anyone could put a cap in your ass and then find your comments about going after anyone and everyone in your neighborhood, not to mention killing opossums with hatchets, and since you are obviously violent and strange they'd get away with it.

That's why past actions are not considered in a trial like this, unless someone opens the door to them. They are 100% irrelevant to what happened that day.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle

#847620 - 07/12/13 07:25 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
Dave Vedder Offline
Reverend Tarpones

Registered: 10/09/02
Posts: 8379
Loc: West Duvall
That damn media making a circus of things. Why do they do that? Oh yeah, cuz folks love to watch a circus.

Stop watching and they will stop reporting. Remember what Pogo said . . .
No huevos no pollo.

#847621 - 07/12/13 07:28 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
Jackson34 Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 07/11/13
Posts: 118
Nate, you would get kicked out so fast in a jury pool for being so emotionally involved. I probably would too, but I will be satisfied in whatever the jury decides, I just hope it is in no way influenced by the media.

#847622 - 07/12/13 07:30 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: Todd]

thats exactly what im talking about Todd... dead on...

they should be allowed in cases like this... because if it shows that he was a troubled kid, it could help Zimmerman... but no, make it harder for the person thats on the stand for murder to prove his innocence by saying they are irrelevant...

Zimmermans past should be irrelevant as well... his little "training" he took, by the way the trainer said he was a joke as a fighter, so all that training means absolutely nothing...

that community was getting hammered by black teenage kids, thats coming from black home owners in that community that said it as well...

i didnt say it, they did...

Zimmerman was worried, he had every right to be suspicious as Martin did to be walking around as far as im concerened...

he chose to run to his dads house, then come back and confront Zimmerman... he chose, noone made him do it...

he chose to get into a fight with him, i didnt start it...

this is why i even hate getting into things like this on here and with other people, this 2 side bullsh!t in this country is screwing everything up for everyone... and the government is helping fuel the fire...

when the race riots start, blame the government for starting it... and the idiots that are doing it.... and when they start getting shot, it wont be jsut "innocent protesters doing what they have the right to do"...

because Watts, and LA, say otherwise....

#847624 - 07/12/13 07:37 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: Jackson34]

most deffinately would...

i cannot stand the fact that just because he was a 17 year old black kid, people think that he was just an innocent little guy doing nothing wrong... thats just stupid thinking as far as im concerned...

his past shows me in the pictures on his phone, and his record from school, and his own words on tweets, that he wasnt just an innocent lil guy...

and Todd, why am i violent and weird because i killed an oppossum that was attacking my dog with a hatchet? rofl come on maaaaaan... you have access to my FB, you should know thats not the case...

as far as being violent towards other people, i wouldnt say that either, i just dont put up with bullsh!t... if you are gonna engage, then go all the way, or go the hell home...

#847626 - 07/12/13 07:41 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
Jackson34 Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 07/11/13
Posts: 118
lol he was called a 'child' at least five times today. as the great chuck s would say.

just sayin'

#847629 - 07/12/13 07:50 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: Kinetic Kwik]
Jackson34 Offline
Juvenile at Sea

Registered: 07/11/13
Posts: 118
Originally Posted By: Kinetic Kwik
Welcome to the *Nate* show

inb4 this get deleted or changed into just a simple .

#847630 - 07/12/13 07:51 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
JTD Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 3007
Loc: Browns Point,Wa. USA
Originally Posted By: Hankster
Originally Posted By: *Nate*

and Todd, why am i violent and weird because i killed an oppossum that was attacking my dog with a hatchet?

Now it's the 'possum that had the hatchet?

It just gets curioser and curioser.


The dog could be carrying it too.

Just sayin'

self destruct.jpg

In the legend of King Arthur, the Fisher King was a renowned angler whose errant ways caused him to be struck dumb in the presence of the sacred chalice. I am no great fisherman, and a steelhead is not the covenant of Christ, but with each of these fish I am rendered speechless.

#847631 - 07/12/13 07:52 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: Jackson34]
Todd Offline
Dick Nipples

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Nate, when you get in trouble, do yourself the biggest favor you could ever do yourself in the entire world...

Do not, under any circumstances, entertain for one millisecond...that you should represent yourself. Not even for a traffic ticket.

If you do, you will go to jail.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle

#847633 - 07/12/13 08:01 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: Todd]

im not going to get in trouble Todd... when i did one time in Grant County, i represented myself and got off pretty much scott free... and it was for possesion of marijuana, posession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, and transportation of a loaded firearm in a vehicle...

i was honest, respectful, on time, and acted like i should have...

the only "case" ive ever lost was that stupid seatbelt ticket... i lost, was on the 1 year probation gig, didnt get in trouble in that 1 year, and here i am... i put my seat belt on before the keys are in the ignition now... and since im honest, no, i didnt always wear my seatbelt... now i do, because i dont want to get in trouble...

im smarter than that wink

#847634 - 07/12/13 08:02 PM Re: Martin/Zimmerman Case [Re: ]
JTD Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 3007
Loc: Browns Point,Wa. USA
Originally Posted By: *Nate*
i just dont put up with bullsh!t... if you are gonna engage, then go all the way, or go the hell home...

(must... resist... posting a picture of Picard here)
In the legend of King Arthur, the Fisher King was a renowned angler whose errant ways caused him to be struck dumb in the presence of the sacred chalice. I am no great fisherman, and a steelhead is not the covenant of Christ, but with each of these fish I am rendered speechless.

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