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#86879 - 02/28/00 11:01 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Coho Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 2566
Loc: Muk
"Guns On the Hoh" I cant make up my mind of it would make a better song or movie???

#86880 - 02/28/00 11:06 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Coho Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 2566
Loc: Muk
Originally posted by Coho:
"Guns On the Hoh" I cant make up my mind of it would make a better song or movie??? was a lame move

"you can get a better look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a bulls ass, but would'nt you rather take a butchers word for it" --Tommy Boy-I just watched it

#86881 - 02/28/00 11:17 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
AkBill Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 99
LOL, Coho! Were you thinking of a rap song?

#86882 - 02/29/00 12:15 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Hohwaiian Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 07/06/99
Posts: 470
Loc: Seattle, Washington, US
Ha...Ha...Then it's "Ho" not Hoh. What's next? Maybe "Gangbangin' in Forks."

#86883 - 02/29/00 12:28 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
stlhead Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 6732
I've fished most of this state and lived here my entire life. I've camped on river bars, deep in the forest, etc. In no instance have I ever felt in need of a weapon, even when encountering bears and cougars. For those of you carrying guns on rivers you are part of the problem. If you are so paranoid to feel you need to pack heat while fishing then maybe you shouldn't be out there.
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella

#86884 - 02/29/00 12:56 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Curt Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 05/10/99
Posts: 116
Loc: Auburn,Wa
I carry a gun when i'm on the river in alaska,but come on there's not to much that could kill you while fishing in washington,except for another fisherman with a gun,it's pretty sad!!!


#86885 - 02/29/00 09:35 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
wit45cal Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 127
Loc: Puyallup WA
I always carry my CONCEALED pistol as well as my permit. To the store, to work and fishing. I am certainly not paranoid but do realize that in these times of gangs and drugs the police are generally a clean-up crew for us normal people. I encourage people to exercise all of their rights detailed in the constitution, including the 2nd ammend. I will first exercise my 1st ammend. right of free speech and explain that low-holing is rude or that natives should or shall be returned to the water in good condition. With that said, if some jerk feels froggy enough to threaten me with his pistol, (not just show me that he has one, but point it in my direction with terminal intentions) I will promptly put 3 or 4 well placed rounds in him. This will only happen if I KNOW (not feel) that my or my wifes life is in imminent danger, but I promise, if it comes down to shoot or be shot, I will walk away. I have a civic duty to those around me to protect and defend the constitution and bill of rights and fully intend to do so. I would much rather show off a fresh 20 pounder to him though, as the ego does much more damage than a 45.

#86886 - 02/29/00 09:37 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Bob D Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
It aint the guns fault! Hopefully the guy who brandished the weapon will have his constitutional right to own a gun takin away for ever. He or she has no right brandishing a gun especially on a river in the middle of the wilderness. Or anywere for that matter. If your gonna show it you better have a ligit reason, and know that a 12 person jury will agree with you or you will be in serious sh@#$. And Shooting someone for low holin is not gonna win there vote. I hope the guy who brandished the weapon goes down hard for it.
And to the guide that has been NAMED! You better adjust your methods or next time you may cut off the wrong person, Not that you havent already...You already are getting bad referals of river eticut and I bet your clients for the day wont call you again.If anyone asks what do I know about you I would have to tell them to look elswere for a guide, Your methods are lame and oldschool. If this is what you have to do to make a living then maybe your not cut out for it and should retire or find a different career. The guy who runs this board consistantly catches many, many fish and never worries about being first. He is usally playing cleanup and consistantly catches more than anyone on the same drift. Even the as@holers...I mean low holers. I think you've guided a long, long time and times are changin, So must you and your attitude. I will make your day a guides living hell if you lowhole me. And I wont do anything Illegal...Because I have no money to lose or clients to impress, I'll have enough fun just makin your day a living hell!

P.S. Just for the record.
I do usally have a pistol with me. Its my Constitutional right PERIOD...Right or wrong in your mind...There are people who have the sence to carry a pistol responcibly PERIOD.

#86887 - 03/01/00 12:56 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
barbi Offline

Registered: 03/01/00
Posts: 3
Loc: seattle, WA USA
I have just read Bob's entry and I just had to reply. It seems you are in dire need of some anger management classes or just some classes to clean up you act. A good rule of thumb is to always read what you wrote afterwards to make sure it makes sense. Your reply started out correct about gun brandishing. He should have it taken away, and from what I understand from the sheriff's office, he has been cited, and he did have his gun taken away. I personally know everyone that was in the boat who had the gun pulled on them. The guide is an excellent guide and is extrememly respectful of everyone's water. His clients for the day are regular clients and have no intention of going elsewhere. You must not know this particular guide very well, or you would not have made the comments you did. I have been in the boat with him several times with various clients and I have never seen him disrespectful of another "man's" waters -he always goes around the boat and fishes far out of their water. I realize your reply was sort of a release for you and I hope you feel better. Someone must have really ticked you off at some point in your life to have sparked such anger at someone - I hope you can "let it go" and all you men need to just fish and have fun and take life a little less serious - fishing is supposed to be fun.

#86888 - 03/01/00 04:15 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
backlash2 Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 243
Loc: Pasco, WA

I wasn't there and don't know what really took place, but I really doubt a gun was pulled(deplorable) for no reason. People obviously don't pull guns for the hell of it. This leads me to believe the guide either pulled in right on top of them, or at least some yappin' took place between the two boats. I highly resent the fact that in your letter you seem to lump all of us together with the idiot in the Lavro. I assume you read the rest of the replies on the board and saw that everyone feels this was a stupid act. So, with that said, YOU should plant your butt back in a drifter and go fishing to relax yourself, since you are obviously still "angry" enough to write a letter insulting the rest of our fishing ethics.
Hey, you gonna eat that?

#86889 - 03/01/00 05:02 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
barbi Offline

Registered: 03/01/00
Posts: 3
Loc: seattle, WA USA
I certainly did not mean to lump everyone together - this was an isolated incident and my main point, is WHATEVER happens out on the river, a gun should NEVER be pointed in someone's face. I have the utmost respect for people who fish the Hoh or any other river and I have always admired the etiquette that is shown. I do agree that words were exchanged between the two boats, but if the gun wielding person had that much of a problem with the other boat, he should have ignored them then got off the river and taken care of it with that other person without the use of a fire arm. That is when our society gets in trouble, when someone gets angry enough to point a gun and then the anger gets out of control and the trigger is pulled and then it is to late to take that action back, especially when that other person gets seriously hurt or dies. My apologies to any fisherman who thinks I was lumping all of you together - most of the comments were good, I just believe Bob started out fine but went a little to the extreme side of things.

#86890 - 03/01/00 05:09 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
backlash2 Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 243
Loc: Pasco, WA
Much better, and well put.
Hey, you gonna eat that?

#86891 - 03/01/00 05:45 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Bob D Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
Heard specific names and it was also stated that the guide in question has done this many times before. All heard by local fisherman. I dont think ya get a reputation like that from rumors!!! Get a life barbi and shove it!

Bob D

#86892 - 03/01/00 05:54 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
barbi Offline

Registered: 03/01/00
Posts: 3
Loc: seattle, WA USA
like I said...anger management classes (only directed to you) .....have a good day!! be happy! breathe in......breathe out....breathe in......breathe out. The greater majority of fisherman 95% are great people, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not take your comments to personal -

[This message has been edited by barbi (edited 03-01-2000).]

#86893 - 03/01/00 06:22 PM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Bob D Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 03/24/99
Posts: 371
Loc: Port Orchard Wa Kitsap
Dont give me any benifit...take it personal...You did a personal attact on me with no proof! I have many who named the guide and can concur about his dis-respectful methods. Evan a local guide sid the same thing.

#86894 - 03/02/00 12:20 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Bob Offline

Dazed and Confused

Registered: 03/05/99
Posts: 6367
Loc: Forks, WA & Soldotna, AK
Barbi ... Consider me kind and at least half-way respectful for not mentioning his name ... but you're wrong, he HAS been very disrespectful of the water others are fishing. I know of at least four local guides who have made mention of this recently even before this incident.
Seen ... on a drive to Stam's house:

"You CANNOT fix stupid!"

#86895 - 03/02/00 01:11 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
rogue runner Offline

Registered: 01/14/00
Posts: 63
Loc: Port Angeles, WA 98362
It us up to respectful private boats to call jerks on their bad moves, espicially if they are guides. If someone drops in on your water and looks like a rookie, give em a break and mention to them nicely that it isn't good to do that. But if it's a guide (16 rods, new boat and passengers that are dressed nice) then give him an earful or bust his butt down the river. If nothing gets said or done then thease fellows will keep on doing it. As a side note a guide, other than Bob mentioned that the guide involved in this incident is a jerk.

#86896 - 03/02/00 01:12 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
AkBill Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 99
You "men" that carry guns on Wa. rivers are PATHETIC. Sure, to a "man", everyone of you would claim that you won't pull the gun out unless you have to- and I'll be the first in line to help pistol-whip you with your own gun. You little twerps.

#86897 - 03/02/00 02:56 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
SBC Offline

Registered: 11/12/99
Posts: 41
Loc: Post Falls, Idaho 83858
Hey AkBill, I don't carry a gun because I don't need one. I,ll feed you the skirt you're wearing with out a gun. If someone feels they're more safe with a gun more power to them. What happened on the Hoh was the fault of the people involved not the gun. It does'nt take a gun to make a asshole.

#86898 - 03/02/00 11:31 AM Re: Guns on the Hoh
Steelheader boy Offline
Juvenille at Sea

Registered: 12/13/99
Posts: 141
Loc: Olympia Wa.
Having fished the penninsula for many years with and without my buddy who lives and guides out of forks and Alaska I have had 2 similar situations with this same guide mentioned ,this is not about guns it's about peopleand attitudes ,I have a permit but do not carry my pistol in the boat... my choice,it is a sad society that we have created here in the 90's, Hell... we have 1st graders killing each other,enough said...why can't we all just fish?

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Men are like fish we get into trouble when we open our mouths to much!!
Tight Lines
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Men are like fish we get into trouble when we open our mouths to much!!

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