Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
My case not only does not fall flat, but is indisputable:
When there is a Democrat in the White House every single aspect of the economy performs better.
It's not just "chronological"...except by saying "during the times there is a Democrat in the White House every single aspect of the economy performs better".
I used to be thankful for the Republican Party because I believe that two competing policy modes are better for creating the best outcomes, but the GOP has become the party of clowns and fools over the past 12 years or so and perform virtually no function other than to create excellent material for late night TV.
They have had no original ideas about anything important whatsoever...the only halfass idea they've put up since the 90's was what has become Obamacare, only they call it "socialism" now because Obama did exactly what they wanted to do.
The GOP has become a joke, and my conservative friends...not that I did not say "Republicans", I said "conservative"...lament the current state of that clowshow more than anyone I know.
I don't lament it so much as I find it abominable, and a parody of anything resembling common sense.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
The GOP let the TeaBaggers into the party because they needed the votes, rather than go after anything other than the fearful (gonna take my guns, and put us under Sharia law!) crowd or the moronic (Obama is a Nigerian Kenyan Socialist Marxist Nazi!) crowd...that's what they got.
They could try to do something...anything...sensible about:
1. the budget 2. immigration 3. voter rights 4. health care
...or any other of a multitude of issues to expand their tent...instead they circled the stupid wagons, and rather than try and make their tent bigger they try and keep people out of any tent at all.
The implosion has been in slow motion, but has been inevitable...and will continue on.
You guys go ahead and vote for those clowns...just try for one minute to be honest about who and what you are voting for:
1. a poor economy 2. a weaker middle class (mostly because of a poor economy) 3. blaming brown people 4. gonna grab our guns! 5. War on Christmas! 6. Telling women how they should act and how they should use their own bodies 7. Let's stop as many people from voting as possible
At least be honest...that's what you are voting for when you vote for the current rendition of the GOP.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Here's the GOP in a nutshell:
1. Supply Side Economics.
That's it. It's a wholesale "give the money to the rich" campaign, with no concurrent benefit to anyone on the "trickle down". It's never worked, and it won't work now, or in the future.
All the other issues are bullshite issues trumped up to get voters in the booth...guns, religion, abortion, immigration, whatever. Every single one of those issues is ginned up fear about someone or something that is taking what is yours, even when there is absolutely no truth to any of it at all.
The funny part is that there are plenty of right wingers out there who have been perfectly candid about that...they don't care about anything at all except getting them in the booth to vote for them, and they'll use any fear tactic they can gin up to get them in there...and then they'll make unbelievably stupid tax breaks for the rich, soak us all for all we're worth, and then blame it on someone else.
That's what the GOP has been for a long time, and currently is really staking down their position to continue being that for the foreseeable future.
You can continue to support that, and go down with the ship, or work to get that out of the GOP and get them to propose something...anything...that might actually benefit the country.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
How about continually just making excellent comments like the last one, come up with some facts.
I've shown you pages of them to support exactly what I'm saying.
Show me something about how the GOP is good for the economy.
Show me something about how the Bush tax cuts for the rich were good for the economy.
Show me something about how those "job creators" that got zillions in tax dollars created any jobs.
Show me something about the GOP is good for the stock market.
Show me something about how GOP policies have helped personal incomes, corporate incomes, the GDP, the per capita, economic growth.
They'll have to be actual "facts", not right wing talking points.
Then we'll have something to talk about...until then you sound exactly like the fool you for a talking point instead reality, and supporting policies that directly contradict your stated goals.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Hearing what? You've said nothing. You've just stuck your fingers in your ears, your head up your ass, and said nothing at all.
I know you don't like being reminded that you are a tool in the GOP propoganda machine, but you are.
They do nothing for you, for me, or for the country...but you just can't help but vote for them over and over and over again anyway.
Take solace in the fact, as I noted before, that you are not alone in voting against the well being of the country, the economy, and yourself.
You seem to think that, in spite of every single bit of evidence to the contrary, that voting GOP is good for the economy...that's why you said you vote for them, after all.
Surely you can come up with at least a few reason why, in spite of every single bit of evidence to the contrary, that you feel that way.
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
What you mean to say is...
"I got nuthin'"
You will not find any facts to support your unwavering support for the folly of voting GOP for "the economy".
I don't expect you to pull your head out of your ass and all of a sudden decide that the economy is more important than voting party line GOP no matter what, but I hope you at least remember what a clown you are being next cycle when you just take a Sharpie and mark right down the right side of the ballot top to bottom...
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
So once got nuthin'. Just remember that when you are voting for "nuthin'".
I hear stories about how there used to be right wing policies that helped the country...I've seen RNC platforms from "back in the day", and to be honest, they look an awful lot like the DNC platforms nowadays.
In my adult life these are the Republican administrations I've seen:
Ronald Reagan Bush 1 Bush 2
With Reagan, the "right wing hero", there were much higher tax rates on the rich than there are now...and he's still a hero.
Of course he spent like a drunken sailor and nearly bankrupt the country.
Bush 1 was probably the best of the three, and raised taxes repeatedly, repeatedly enough while saying he wouldn't that he got himself un-elected.
We all know what an unmitigated disaster Bush 2 was...the horrific tax cuts that killed our economy wasn't enough, we had to go to Iraq and not only kill zillions of people, but do it by spending trillions of tax dollars, putting the directly into the pockets of the Military-Industrial complex. Apparently tax breaks weren't enough, we needed to just give away the money while killing lots of people, too.
None of what any of them did spurred any economic growth...they all tanked the economy...and I bet you gleefully voted for all of them...
"for the economy"
...too, didn't you?
Andy you'd do it again...wouldn't you?
It's ok to vote party line because it's like breathing for a right winger like you...just don't pretend you're doing it for "the economy" sound like the liars on FauxNews or in the RNC when you start parroting the bullshite they spew daily.
Registered: 11/05/04
Posts: 2572
Loc: right place/wrong time
Originally Posted By: Todd
My case not only does not fall flat, but is indisputable:
When there is a Democrat in the White House every single aspect of the economy performs better. Todd
Better than what?
Todd much of the very information that you posted does not support the claims that you make. Have you read the information in the articles that contain your graphs? If so why do you make such silly claims?
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill
Registered: 11/05/04
Posts: 2572
Loc: right place/wrong time
Originally Posted By: Todd
I hear stories about how there used to be right wing policies that helped the country...I've seen RNC platforms from "back in the day", and to be honest, they look an awful lot like the DNC platforms nowadays.
In my adult life these are the Republican administrations I've seen:
Ronald Reagan Bush 1 Bush 2
With Reagan, the "right wing hero", there were much higher tax rates on the rich than there are now...and he's still a hero.
Of course he spent like a drunken sailor and nearly bankrupt the country.
Bush 1 was probably the best of the three, and raised taxes repeatedly, repeatedly enough while saying he wouldn't that he got himself un-elected.
We all know what an unmitigated disaster Bush 2 was...the horrific tax cuts that killed our economy wasn't enough, we had to go to Iraq and not only kill zillions of people, but do it by spending trillions of tax dollars, putting the directly into the pockets of the Military-Industrial complex. Apparently tax breaks weren't enough, we needed to just give away the money while killing lots of people, too.
None of what any of them did spurred any economic growth...they all tanked the economy...and I bet you gleefully voted for all of them...
My name is Todd welcome to revisionist history 101. I hope that you will enjoy your time in my class.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Hank clearly can't do it, how about you?
Show me your facts.
Show me how the economy performs better under Republican administrations.
Or the stock market. Or GDP.
Originally Posted By: Rev. blackmouth
Originally Posted By: Todd
My case not only does not fall flat, but is indisputable:
When there is a Democrat in the White House every single aspect of the economy performs better. Todd
Better than what?
Better than when Republican administrations are in the White House.
You can join Hank in saying absolutely nothing, if you like, or voting in direct opposition to the economy performing well while voting "for the economy"...or maybe you can come up with some facts that show how anything related to the economy is better under GOP administrations.
I've read a lot more than just the articles I've posted...I actually choose to make my vote count in favor of the goals I find important, so I've read up on what affects the economy the most positively, and what party promotes those policies, and I've voted accordingly.
Registered: 11/05/04
Posts: 2572
Loc: right place/wrong time
Originally Posted By: Todd
I hear stories about how there used to be right wing policies that helped the country...I've seen RNC platforms from "back in the day", and to be honest, they look an awful lot like the DNC platforms nowadays. Todd
Have you ever considered JFK tax policy?
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
You really are going to counter pages and pages of facts with a memo from the Heritage Foundation, full of opinions that counter the heavy weight of facts?
That's why the GOP is sinking, and fast...that's what qualifies as "thought" from right wingers.
Do you really want to have a "fact" war over Reagan's maniacal spending?
How about the zillions his policies cost the country for decades after he was done with deregulating everything that went south and tanked our economy a few times since then?
Here are things that went up with Reagan:
1. Federal spending 2. Federal employment 3. The debt 4. Average unemployment rate 5. Income tax on the top 10% 6. Payroll taxes
Those are just a few items off the top of my head...there's plenty more, like wasting a zillion dollars on Star Wars, the rise in poverty and homelessness...not to mention a record high of administration officials convicted of felonies (he should have been, too, for the Iran-Contra scandal, which unlike the made up "treason" right wing fruitcakes like to talk about all the time actual was treason.)
Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 27838
Loc: Seattle, Washington USA
Besides the fact that the "hero of Conservatism" couldn't even win a primary in rural Kentucky for a house seat now based on all of his policies, all the things mentioned above...stock market, personal income, corporate profits...were worse under his Republican administration.