The Q I most often have gotten since I retired from guiding is what's my favorite egg cure. You need more than one. For King/chinook fishing you need flexibility! They are much more finiky & scent preferential than steelhead & silvers. Start by modifying OTC cures. Some good ones are Pro-Cure (both reg.& Wizard), Sure/Quick Cure (almost identical), & Pro-Glo Cure. Add a little sugar to reg. Pro-Cure to balance it's PH, due to stronger sodium sulfite content. To some add a small amount of MSG. To others add a light sprinkling of powdered nitrate (such as Slamola- although experimentation may produce better ones) the night before you fish. I have a favorite custom cure I call MC Hammer- never for sale. If you want to have a "favorite" for most of your King cures use the following: mix equal parts of natural white Pro-Cure & Quick Cure together. To 10 T. of this add 2 T. of red Pro-Glo coloring (not cure), 1 T. of MSG, & 1 T. sugar. Shake thoroughly. Then put into a shaker with holes atop for chem. sprinkle curing of your eggs. Put on clean vinyl gloves. Pad off any blood from the skeins with white paper towells; or if dark bloody, cut them into quartered sections & rinse them in almost frozen distilled water before padding (they won't milk out in that or have chlorine involved). Lay the quartered skein filets out on waxed paper. Sprinkle cure on both sides; 1 to 1 1/2 T.'s of cure per pound of eggs. Put them in a CLEAN gallon jar or largest heavy duty ziplock baggie. Leave them at room temperature for a couple hours, turning them upside down every half hour. They will juice out quite a bit. For most of your curing leave all this juice in there! From a few skeins save the redish egg juice to soakcure sardine filets for wrapping Kwikfish, for curing uncured prawns, & for making scent combos. Put the juiced skeins in the fridge for 2 to 3 days, turning them upside down each morning & evening. The egg juice will almost entirely reabsorb back into the egg sacks, providing a better & longer milking egg cluster- this once was a guide secret to success & is a very effective broad spectrum cure for Kings. Vacuum seal the skeins in jars to keep frozen. Take them out the day before fishing to thaw. Cut the size clusters you want & lightly sprinkle half of them with nitrates before going to bed- to see which one the Kings are more in the mood for.- Some people do very well with brine cures. For this add to one gallon of distilled water 2 cups of non-iodized salt, 2 cups sugar, 1/2 cup sodium sulfite (or 1 cup borax), 1/2 cup red Pro-Glo coloring. Soak eggs for a few hours then drain & pad. This is a great way to thaw & cure purchased blocks of frozen eggs at the same time.-- This is a long post so I will add steelhead fishing cures in a follow reply. - Steve Hanson
[This message has been edited by Backbouncer1 (edited 03-06-2000).]