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#934154 - 07/14/15 10:07 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET *** [Re: jgreen]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Got to get busy before the heat but yes/no
Do the research, they NEVER had any fishing or other trade with the Chehalis.

Ah yes/no. The QIN and the Chehalis tribes are composite as to heritage. At one time we had a Satsop tribe with a reservation but it was moved as was the Ocean Shores tribes. After the Stevens treaty the tribes got bunched up to two reservations at Taholah & Oakville. If I recall correctly the QIN did come to GH but more to forage the land surrounding the bay rather than fish. The coastal tribes were wide ranging hunter gathers that traveled to where they could find whatever food they were pursuing be it seals, whale, fish, or natural plants. Also there were many small groups ( tribes ) that most do not know even existed. Disease brought by the Europeans that the tribes had zero immunity too nearly wiped out many.

The last full blooded Satsop tribal member died of exposure in a ditch near Schafer Park way back. The settlers around at that time just drove right by and let her die. That is how things worked back then.

The Chehalis tribe is non treaty as at the time of the signing one chief shot another in the azz so the Chehalis went home and did not sign. Fuzzy on the details as it was a tribal member who was a story teller ( verbal historical record ) that I learned from but been a few years so if anyone recalls that help out.

Edited by Rivrguy (07/14/15 10:23 AM)
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#934230 - 07/15/15 10:29 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Word is that AD Jim Scott has taken another position in the agency and they are bringing up someone from the Columbia region (5?) as interim Fish Program AD. My understanding is they will open the application process outside the agency. I know they do that all the time then keep the interim person on.

So let us watch and see. Mr. Unsworth is a study in contrast to previous Directors as he is from the outside and frankly has simply ............. no track record? Unlike Mr. Shanks who went for the gusto and bit the dust, or Mr. Anderson's status quo approach, Mr.Unsworth appears to take more of a measured approach. So we wait.

Edited by Rivrguy (07/15/15 10:30 AM)
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#935993 - 08/04/15 09:22 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
I have been asked by some folks what is going on with fishing in the local rivers with the lack of rain and low flows. Well not much but that is what one would expect. This does not mean that bad things are not happening but rather wrong place. The low flows will have a effect on survival of the juvenile Coho & Steelhead in creeks and ponds and only time will tell to what degree. So in the next couple of years we will find out good / bad / or you choose.

SPRINGERS: As to adults returning it has been a little strange since July. In the latter weeks of July a substantial number of salmon were moving up but then slowed way down. The question was are the Springers late or Summer Chinook early? Best guess I think is the back end of the Springer run was larger than normal ( not to be confused with a larger than expected run ) and late.

SUMMER CHINOOK: The Summer Chinook are around but not in any numbers that would lead one to believe they are coming in early. Last year is a example of how difficult this is to judge. The QIN or WDF&W blew it on escapement but could not have known. The fish came in normal then just were not there. The run was early and tailed out sharply so by the time they caught it was too late to do much. So we wait to see what shows and when.

COHO: Coho showed in July as always. Never many as always but folks have been catching one here and there. So far normal timing and numbers, maybe?

SUMMERRUN STEELHEAD: Early season for Summerrun Steelies was miserable, just very few fish. It stayed that way for a few weeks then they showed in good numbers. This is a easy one. They were late but run looks OK.

So what's next? No idea but the August temperature forecast is above normal, not so good. September on the other hand has a long range forecast of below average temperatures. This is about the best news we could have in particular for the bay fishery. The thing is the river conditions we have now are normal for a dry year. Yup things warmed up early but we just got to August in July! Bad for juvenile rearing not much effect on adults. So in the Chehalis it is poke around time & waiting for things to light up.

Just to confuse things a bit things are a little different in the Willapa. Word came back from a local resident that Chinook made the Nemah the earliest in the last 35 to 40 years. Additionally they showed in the Naselle. So they are early but numbers, no idea. 2T fishing has been good so far also.

So there we are, a mixed bag at this time but it will sort itself out for sure. If the weather performs as the long range forecast projects then things should be OK. In the end it will be the when it rains thing and how much. We hit mid October without rain then that is not unusual. ( a quarter of a inch of rain is a shower not rain ) If we get into November without rainfall then fishing should be fine as the fish will stage up low in the streams. When working with the hatchery return of Coho it is always a guessing game. Always Coho slowly work their way up but many just plain park and wait, particularly wild Coho. Our guide was the beaver ponds & brackish water. When we get enough rain that the beaver ponds & swampy areas dump and that dark brackish water comes Coho will head home like they have a rocket attached to them.

So we wait and watch. The Chehalis & Willapa Estuaries are rain driven and in most years this puts the screws to us with blow outs. This year with the lack of snow pack many streams are suffering but our streams do not depend on snow and no rain & low flows are normal. Our salmonids stage and move differently. Time will tell if this saves our bacon this time around.

Edited by Rivrguy (08/04/15 09:38 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#936065 - 08/05/15 07:32 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

I received this from down South for those that are interested.

Last week's single day of rain brought a small number of Kings into the tidal water of the North Nemah. I awoke to the south of rain pelting the tin roof of the wood shed...I shot out of bed in the dark thinking this will bring fish. My city bred husband thinks I'm crazy but swears I can smell the fish. Sure enough by the low night tide a fair number were flopping and rolling.

This week however no amount of flailing the water will produce a bite. No visible movement yesterday or today.These early fish surge in and out with the tide . I also feel they are heavily preyed upon by the seals and river otter.

Interestingly enough, there have been fewer cutthroat.

I will keep all interested apprised.

Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#936076 - 08/05/15 09:31 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Eric Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 3426
Different topic but have the final net schedules been posted for WB and GH yet?

#936079 - 08/05/15 09:53 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Eric]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

In the models ( if you have the latest & in the APA / WAC process )

CR 102 for Willapa

CR 102 for GH
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#936190 - 08/06/15 08:15 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
What we have below is a e mail regarding the NT Gillnetters Commercial seasons this fall. To boil it down to its simplest terms WDF&W proposed to put the NT commercials in on Sunday which effectively wipes out the handicapped access in the Lakeside reach above the 101 bridge and the Mom & Pop troll fishery at the Port of GH. Oh but we have another option, just dump the Grays Harbor Management Policy ( GHMP ) 4/3. 4/3 is the provision that requires 3 consecutive days in a calendar week be net free. It takes a three day window to pass fish ABOVE the QIN nets. Do one or two days or not 3 consecutive days the fish do not clear the QIN fishers below South Monte but rather simply get caught below South Monte vs being caught in down town Aberdeen. How about another thought, do not put NT Nets in on Sunday or at least as I suggested to staff keep the nets out until 1:00 PM so working folks can fish on their day off!

Additionally I will point out if not for the 4/3 provision last year we would have devastated the Chinook run as it came in early and short ( and did not make escapement again ) which was not detected until after harvest. 4/3 is our and the fishes safety net and the balancer between inriver & marine fisheries.

In the past ( prior to the use of lap top computer modeling ) staff utilized escapement plus 10% to create a pad for escapement. In recent years with computer modeling we do it down to the last " paper fish " and frankly this has resulted in our failure to make Chinook escapement and devastated the week upriver Chum returns. The reason and the only reason we fail to make Chinook escapement and upper Chehalis Basin Chum struggle is overharvest.

So off we go ............... again. In my personal opinion this is about the rudest method of operation I have seen in years. Well maybe not the full court press in San Francisco at PFMC out of the public eyes to invalidate the Willapa Policy pretty much is the top vote getter I guess. Think of it this way. One day before a discussion at the Commission level Region 6 sends out the heads up e mail on something as important as handicapped access and the 4/3 provision. One day, no press release, no nothing. These guys give the word rude a bad name.

More to come for sure and as soon as we find anything out I will let all know but this constant assault on the GHMP by staff behind closed doors without notifying the citizens in our community needs to stop. They might try looking up the definition of the word rude as it certainly describes staff conduct on this issue.

RUDE: offensively impolite or ill-mannered.


Hi Advisors,
I want to alert you to a discussion we will be having with the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s - Fish Committee tomorrow. As you are aware, there were 3 Sunday fisheries proposed in areas 2A-D. We heard concern expressed by the recreational sector about those days and moving the start time back. While that is an option, another option is to move a couple of those days to Thursday. So we are going to have a discussion with the Fish Committee tomorrow about whether moving October 11 to October 15, and October 18 to October 22 makes sense or not. If the days are moved, there would still be 3 consecutive days between fisheries, but they would not be 3 consecutive days in the calendar week. I’m not sure whether the Fish Committee will be supportive or not. If they are, the issue would be brought up to the entire Commission on Friday or Saturday. I don’t know the specific mechanism, it could be a briefing by the Director or the Fish Committee chair. If folks want to weigh in on the issue, the Open Public Comment period would be a great opportunity to provide some thoughts. I will send out an email after the Fish Committee meeting tomorrow evening to let you know if the issue will be moved forward for additional discussion or not.
I’ll send an email to interested parties in a few minutes, but thought I would let you guys know first.

Steve Thiesfeld
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Region 6 Fish Program Manager
48 Devonshire Road, Montesano, WA 98563

Edited by Rivrguy (08/06/15 08:20 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#936319 - 08/07/15 08:25 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
OK all done now. It appears from Steve's E mail that screwing with the GHMP did not go over all that well. Now all should keep in mind that putting the NT Nets in on Sunday does meet GHMP requirements. The policy is the policy and it is guidelines to how you do things as to harvest but staff do have the flexibility to manage user seasons within the policy guidelines.

Now on the other hand when previous R-6 staff moved the marine boundary from the 101 bridge to Lake side they knew full well that they were dumping on the handicapped and low income folks best fishing location and for many the ONLY descent location. Staff knew full well what they were doing but did not care. Once something is implemented it is difficult to get change let alone something done years ago. So the dance goes on but I am glad this one is over ............. hopefully.


Hi Again Everyone,

There was not support for continuing discussion about moving days in the Grays Harbor commercial salmon fishery. Therefore this issue will not be brought before the Commission.

Have a great weekend!

From: Thiesfeld, Steven L (DFW)
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 3:35 PM
Subject: Grays Harbor Commercial Rules

Edited by Rivrguy (08/07/15 08:26 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#936617 - 08/12/15 07:17 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Couple of things going on. First in Willapa those fishing might have noticed crab pots abandoned in a rather bad location. So here is a bit from a citizen bringing it to R6's attention and the response.

To Region-6:
Steve- I have been getting calls from guys who have fished the Willapa today. We apparently have a crabber down there who decided to protest in some fashion by placing what are being described as 8-10 commercial pots out in a line near Marker 2 that is a favorite trolling line for recs fishing for Chinooks. I advised the callers to leave the pots alone and I'd contact WDFW. I use the word "protest" as commercial and rec crabbing has been closed nearly all year down there including the latest emergency reg filed on August 5 that closed the entire coast and the bays from the Columbia River up to the Queets on the N. Coast. The closure leaves me with the only rationale I can come up is some sort of protest aimed at rec fishing in the Willapa.

With the closures, I don't see any way that these pots could be in the water legally. I'd ask that enforcement be notified immediately so they can address the problem and I be informed of the approximate time and the date of enforcement's arrival and a description of any actions taken by the Department.

And The Response:
We have been working to try and get the pots out of there for over a week. The Pots are stuck and we do not have the ability to pump them out. The Sergeant has been in contact with the owner who is making arrangements to remove them. I understand from the Sergeant that the owner said today or tomorrow he should have them out. We have looked into the report that this is a commercial/rec issue and feel it is just a commercial fisherman who has not made the effort to go out and pump his gear. If you have any other questions feel free to call me. Thank you.

Followed by:
Thank you. As a supplement to this conversation, I was contacted today by several locals who claim they've reported abandoned pots to Region 6 enforcement not only in this location but others in the Bay as well.

They were very upset with the reaction they had been receiving from a local enforcement officer and claimed he stated it wasn't the Department's problem if boating accidents, etc. occurred due to abandoned commercial pots as it was the public's duty to avoid dangerous situations while on the water. Not happy campers comes to mind. Naturally, all is second hand. For what it is worth.......

On The Chehalis:
Meanwhile on the Chehalis e have had two press releases on closures to ALL fishing the Black & Newaukum. Both are to protect Spring Chinook due to low flows. Are the full closures justified? No idea but remember the Chehalis is rain fed so dry years are normal but maybe R-6 has information not available to all so I will ask for the documentation utilized. I think or we feel will not fly. If harm is being done what is the numerical value of dead fish? 1? 5? 20? Just how many fish have been impacted is not just important but critical in the thought process. That has been the problem with R-6 for years. No data no nothing just off we go. The best example is when in the recent past they shut the bay fishery down due to concerns of over harvest by the Rec fleet. Documents obtained in a PDR showed staff had zero idea on how many fish had been caught but they counted boat trailers. So more to come I am sure.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#936832 - 08/15/15 10:27 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

I thought I would put for folks a couple of issues brewing now that NOF is done with, hopefully, and it looks like next up and coming fast is the dry conditions / low flows in our streams. Being 67 ( and getting older than dirt ) and being raised on a farm with haying, working construction in the woods for 39 years, and broodstocking fish for 25 years my memories of weather go way back. Most folks do not have that memory and do not realize we have not had really dry summers for over 15 years. We have been in a mild ( damp ) thing for some years so it just was not a issue. It appears Mother Nature is out to put an end to that.

So what to do? Not much I am sorry to say. Our loses ( and it looks like they are going to be large ) are primarily in the juvenile rearing areas. Think of it this way, the damage is greatest at this minute in the small streams, beaver ponds and sloughs. Water temperatures are up, Dissolved Oxygen ( DO ) will be down in slack water environments and juveniles will parish. It has already happened on Black River which is rather like the "canary in a coal mine" as Black River is where this normally shows first.

What can be done is this. If you see a fish kill take a picture, get the location down pat, and let WDF&W staff in Montesano know. If it is an adult it is just as important to get the location and if you have a obvious cause of death. E mail it or call do whatever is needed to get the information to them. Here is Mike Scharpf 's E mail address to send things in & Region 6's phone is 360 249 4628. This could get ugly for the fish folks and staff can use some help.

Yes I know that the agencies responses will look and likely are a bit off dead center but staff lacks the institutional memory that those of us who have lived most of our lives here. Add to that WDF&W just went through a really brutal legislative session and Willapa Policy which really tied them up. Then we add to the mix the fact that this year the OP & Cascade streams did not have a snow pack which translates into a "one size fits all approach" coming out of Olympia. So before my e mail catches fire, yes I know that is counterproductive. Yes I know that the Chehalis is not Puget Sound and yes I know we are rain fed streams which are different. Still folks we can set and watch staff dash to & fro providing some awesome entertainment but that does little for the fish. Also this, Region 6 District 17 staff are trying and I mean really trying. Again yes I know that the past conduct of staff has been, well how about not ideal for the fish or inland communities. I urge all to get past that and help staff track this thing. Since Steve Thiesfeld came to Region 6 he has worked very hard to turn things around. Now if one thinks that the shortfalls in their approach to the stream conditions at this minute have not been pointed out BLUNTLY you would be wrong. ( and I mean a Dave bluntly not this PC or good manners bit ) In fact bets are I am blackballed ....... again! That said folks we can set and watch them fail or try to help out. I think maybe helping them when possible makes a little more sense.

Another issue folks is the Springers in the Chehalis. To put it simply we have a poaching problem that is getting out of hand. It appears to have reared its ugly head on the Newaukum big time. While this is not totally new it appears the scope & scale is. Couple that with the fact that it appears to have happened right in the middle of a Springer tracking research effort by Region 6 it appears staff about had a stroke and rightly so. Our Springer run is not a true Springer like the Columbia, OP, or Puget Sound but rather a early summer Chinook that uses upwelling's in the rivers to survive the summer and they are bunched up hard and very vulnerable.

So again folks if you see signs of poaching pictures, location, and let staff know or call it into Enforcement. Again to save my computer screen, yes I know this is not a new problem. Yes I know that Enforcement and Montesano staff have known this for years. Yes I know Enforcement has spent more time out bugging folks about flossing, barbless hooks, just everything one can imagine, and ignored this problem. Let it go for the fish guys. We have a new Director, a new management policy and it is a new day. (hopefully) So if you see poaching on the Springers call it in. Those of you the live up basin know where the Springers hold so keep a eye out. Spread the word among yourselves and for this year for the fish let the past be that.

The new Grays Harbor Policy has net free days and much that guarantees equal access for harvest. It was a huge effort by many citizens and the Commission that will help overcome the discrimination that the inland communities and fisher suffered for so many years with the old kill all in the lower river at Aberdeen mentality. Which by the way was always followed by inriver / inland shouldering the vast majority of salmon conservation.

It is our call folks. Ignore the Springer poaching and the price in the future will in all likelihood rather draconian for the fish and us. The thing is WDF&W could not stop the poaching due to budget cuts even if they wanted to as they are simply stretched too thin but you folks in the upper basin can help put a dent in it. It is that time.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#938069 - 09/04/15 05:40 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Well it should be interesting in GH & Willapa. Especially GH where the QIN have been way to aggressive on Chinook.

The federal agency in charge of managing fisheries has ruled four stocks of Pacific Northwest salmon are being overfished.

The National Marine Fisheries Service and the Department of Commerce on Wednesday posted a notice in the Federal Register of the excessive fishing pressures on Chinook and Coho salmon in the Columbia River Basin and along the Washington coast.

The notice, which included overfishing findings for North Pacific swordfish, is meant to alert fishery managers that fishing pressures are driving salmon populations down.

Federal law requires the Pacific Fishery Management Council to take immediate action to end the overfishing.

The notice covers the following four salmon populations:

Summer Chinook in the upper river area of the Columbia River Basin

Fall Chinook in the Willapa Bay area of the Washington coast

Fall Chinook in the Grays Harbor area of the Washington coast

Coho along the Hoh area of the Washington coast.

And another fed link :

Edited by Rivrguy (09/04/15 06:36 AM)
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#938070 - 09/04/15 07:11 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
DrifterWA Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 04/25/00
Posts: 4996
Loc: East of Aberdeen, West of Mont...

Then why was Chinook limit, in the ocean, increased to 2 Chinook?????? Just recently ????

Does the right hand know what the left hand is doing????? Or is it the game of politics being played????

It will be interesting in GH....will the tribe "step up to the plate", if the catch numbers start to get out of hand??????
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"

#938079 - 09/04/15 08:02 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Smalma Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/25/01
Posts: 2834
Loc: Marysville
I'll be more interested in what the stance of those federal agencies will be on the upcoming new edition of the US/Canada salmon treaty. Will they continue to approve the status quo in the ultimate mixed stock fisheries in SE Alaska and northern BC or actually take a conservation stance?

Any bets?


#938080 - 09/04/15 08:14 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Carcassman Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/21/07
Posts: 7546
Loc: Olema,California,Planet Earth
Money and power. AK and BC keep on keeping on. BC won't consider getting off of the fish until AK cuts back. Since nobody else takes AK's fish, where's the pressure point.

One possible option may be through ESA and the International CITES treaty/rules. That bans trade in endangered species. IF AK or BC can't show that the fish in question came from non-endangered sources (i.e. marked hatchery fish) then they couldn't be imported. So, one could not go to BC, catch fish, and bring them home without documentation proving they were listed. Long shot, I know, but if you can't stop the fishery maybe you can stop the trade.

#938598 - 09/13/15 06:24 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Carcassman]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

Just a heads up so all remember. The QIN start netting at noon today. No idea with the weather if they will all fish. Usually most go on the first day but numbers of fishers shrink if the fish are not moving. So wait and see as to the fish.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#938824 - 09/15/15 01:15 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4462
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

Update time. Willapa has Chinook in numbers instream. The bay Chinook mix is about 20% or so W/H which is way off modeled and keeping the nets on shore. Very few Coho.

GH / Chehalis same inriver but smaller numbers. QIN got over 2500 Chinook but very few Coho in two 24 hr periods most scales set. The harvest was well above what was modeled. Hump Chinook are tracking close to normal.

So Chinook look OK so far but Coho, not so much. In fact we wait until the bay opens tomorrow in GH but I think we are getting close to only two options. The Coho run is starting in late or coming up well short.

Time will tell.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#938826 - 09/15/15 01:30 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
jgreen Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/18/12
Posts: 311
Loc: Elma, WA
It was a few years ago that nobody got any Coho until around October 15th. After that it was light out. Sometimes they come early, on time or late. Hopefully its not one of those years where they barely come at all. Looked around today and saw a bunch of fish in the Satsop, at cook creek corner. Im sure they will be picked off by 10:00am.

#938848 - 09/15/15 03:35 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
eyeFISH Offline
Ornamental Rice Bowl

Registered: 11/24/03
Posts: 12614
Originally Posted By: Rivrguy

GH / Chehalis same inriver but smaller numbers. QIN got over 2500 Chinook but very few Coho in two 24 hr periods most scales set. The harvest was well above what was modeled. Hump Chinook are tracking close to normal.

On a run that has failed to make goal 80% of the time and now officially on the fed register as "OVERFISHED"

"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)

"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)

The Keen Eye MD
Long Live the Kings!

#938909 - 09/16/15 07:30 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Carcassman Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/21/07
Posts: 7546
Loc: Olema,California,Planet Earth
Hey Doc, they made goal 20% of the time. That has to count for something. Isn't getting eye surgery right 20% of the time close enough for Government Work?

#938915 - 09/16/15 07:59 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
DrifterWA Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 04/25/00
Posts: 4996
Loc: East of Aberdeen, West of Mont...
I would hope that the 28th Street, Johns River, Hoquiam launch would be checked for "fish hooked", if the numbers show more Chinook than Coho then maybe some kind of action is needed to protect the fish????

From someone who does most of my fishing, this time of the year, above South Monty......there are very few jacks, Chinook or Silver, being caught. There were some small hatchery silvers that showed about a week ago, now they are gone......I know its early but something just isn't right.

Time tells all!!!!!!
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"

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