If any WDFW biologists or enforcement officers review this board, here's a message:
PEOPLE ARE POACHING AT REITER JUST ABOUT EVERY WEEKEND (and probably during the rest of the week). Last weekend I saw half dozen people fishing at the creek mouth, either oblivious of regs, or plain not caring. As I was on my way out on the highway side, a guy was stringing a fish onto a rope and putting it in the water to continue fishing. This isn't make a couple of casts behind your back, hook a fish, and run behavior. These people were making a day of it. All I could do is shake my head.
I'd like to do more. At one time, I think someone posted an email address to WDFW enforcement or something like that? Can you do this again; I can't find it on the WDFW website. I'll continue looking myself.
I know WDFW enforcement has been gutted in recent years and they're probably pretty busy with ESA enforcment stuff, but its starting to get blatant. I would think Reiter should have a priority since its the top summer-run producer in the Puget Sound area.
Edit: Found the website for WDFW enforcement - boy that was easy: enforcement- web@dfw.wa.gov <enforcement-web@dfw.wa.gov>
[This message has been edited by obsessed (edited 06-28-2000).]