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#950943 - 02/13/16 05:37 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET *** [Re: eyeFISH]
Smalma Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/25/01
Posts: 2834
Loc: Marysville
Find the discussion about MSY escapement goals and the lowering of those goals interesting.

If indeed the managers are worshipping at the altar of MSY (maximizing the harvest) than lowering that goal would seem to illogical and counter-productive. Lower the goal means that the manager are shooting for a goal further down the spawner/recruit curve which by definition would produce on the average fewer fish to harvest - less than maximum harvest. Of course the other explanation is that the habitat and productive of the fish population is declining and such population parameters such as carrying capacity, MSY, etc. are naturally lower. By extension that also means that we as a society continue to be crappy caretakers of our rivers and our lip-service of habitat restoration is failing.

Of course that also means that this constant search for managing for a better escapement number, eliminating hatchery fish or just generally doing a better job of managing fisheries is not addressing what is driving our fish populations. Addressing the major factors that is driving our salmon populations downward would require all of society stepping up to the plate and making what is ultimately would financial costs in the name of the fish. Heaven forbid that debate of what to do for the fish were to shift in that direction!


#950948 - 02/13/16 07:27 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Carcassman Online   content
River Nutrients

Registered: 11/21/07
Posts: 7571
Loc: Olema,California,Planet Earth
Had an interesting look at the PS wild chum data. Plugged each river into the Ricker curve to get MSY. Couple interesting things emerged.

First, as ocean conditions improved so did the runs and MSY goal. But, goals remained where they had been set in the 70s. This, of course, allowed for even more short term gain from harvest. Then, when ocean conditions changed, the MSY goal declined. This was the case when looking at all the data, starting in the 60s.

Now, managers look at short, recent data sets. As Salma says, models poor conditions you get results that say MSY is small.

Years ago, I believed in fixed goals. A fixed target was, or should be, easier to hit and we all knew that there was one point of optimum production. I now believe that a FIXED harvest rate, set appropriately low, is best for optimum management and harvest. Have seen both modeled situations and real-world where the fixed rate gave more catch than fixed goal.

Again, as Salma says, the discussions need to be expanded over all the impacts. With the insatiable growth in human population playing a key role.

#951269 - 02/16/16 08:28 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Carcassman]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
I thought I would post up my comments on the GHMP review for 2015. These are my thoughts and all have their opinions so I urge all to put their thoughts in. Submit your thoughts to Mike at

February 15, 2016

Steve Thiesfeld
Director Unsworth
WDF&W Commission
Ron Warren
Mike Scharpf


In general the Grays Harbor Management Policy ( GHMP ) worked as well as it could under the circumstances we faced in the 2015 seasons. In the end we had failings but I feel I must point out that these were failings of staff to follow the intent of the GHMP not the GHMP itself. That said I will limit my comments to these items.

Section 8 Guiding Principles: ( Also known as 4/3 ) while staff has voiced concerns over the " difficulties " poised by this section in reality they do not exist except for one issue. It prevents staff from combining Non Treaty Commercial fisheries with tribal fisheries to create seven day a week commercial net seasons which is the purpose of section 8 to prevent just that.

8) Recreational and WFDW-managed commercial fisheries shall be structured (e.g., schedule, location, gear) to minimize gear and other fishery conflicts. WDFW-managed commercial gillnet fisheries in a fishing area or aggregate area (i.e., Area 2A/2B/2D; or Area 2C) shall be scheduled, if possible, so that in any given calendar week there are a minimum of three consecutive days when no treaty or state-managed commercial fisheries occur. If the treaty fishery occurs 4 or more days in a calendar week, no WDFW-managed commercial fishery shall occur in the remaining days of the week.

Adaptive Management Item 1: ( known as the 3/5 penalty box ) This section has troubled many including myself and as much as I would like to see it removed it needs to remain in place. Had not for the 4/3 & the 3/5 penalty box this past year we would have likely not made escapement for Chinook as the run cannot sustain two full out fisheries, the numbers do not permit it. With the continuing disagreement between Region 6 ( R-6 ) staff and the Quinault Indian Nation ( QIN ) regarding harvest sharing not being resolved it is the penalty we fishers must endure to protect the fish.

Adaptive Management: As a component of the annual fishery management review, the Department shall assess if spawner goals were achieved for Chehalis spring Chinook, Chehalis fall Chinook, Humptulips fall Chinook, Chehalis Coho, Humptulips Coho, and Grays Harbor chum salmon. If the number of natural-origin spawners was less than the goal in 3 out of the last 5 years (beginning in 2009), the Department shall implement the following measures:

a) The predicted fishery impact for that stock in WDFW-managed fisheries in the Grays Harbor Basin will not exceed 5% of the adult return to Grays Harbor; and

b) If a spawner goal for fall Chinook salmon is not achieved, the Grays Harbor control zone2 off of the mouth of Grays Harbor will be implemented no later than the second Monday in August and continue until the end of September.

Guiding Principle section 7: While the 4/3 provision provides fish available for the inriver fresh water recreational fisher it is reinforced by Section 7. From my perspective that for whatever the reasons this section of the GHMP was not adhered to. This is reinforced by how the 2015 seasons played out with almost the entire conservation needs being borne by the inriver recreational fishery as the Coho run failed to materialize. This is not a GHMP failure but rather a failure of R-6 staff to follow the intent of the GHMP.

7) In a manner consistent with conservation objectives, fishing opportunities will be fairly distributed across fishing areas and reflect the diverse interests of WDFW-managed fishers.

The next issue is complex but goes to the heart of the failure in Grays Harbor salmon management in 2015. In the season setting process staff worked to provide opportunity to all. In fact I would say that the efforts of Steve Thiesfeld and Mike Scharpf in the season setting process were exceptional and need to recognized. As much as I support the R-6 staff in the 2015 season setting process what followed in the months afterward I do not view in a favorable manner.

From the beginning the preseason forecast for Coho was problematic and in not supported by the NOAA PDO forecast for ocean survival. This was followed by landings showing the Coho runs coast wide appearing to be very weak right up to the first Grays Harbor fisheries. On week 38 ( September 13-19 ) the QIN fishers harvested but then Week 39 ( September 20-26 ) pulled for a week. The QIN resumed scheduled fisheries through Week 42 ( October 11-17 ). Additionally R-6 scheduled half day Non Treaty Commercial fisheries for a half day in front and after the Week 42 QIN fisheries and two days in Week 43 before closing all fisheries for conservation followed by the QIN doing the same.

R-6 has stated it received the QIN harvest numbers October 18th other than the Week 38 numbers which had been posted on the WDF&W website. This is a very serious problem as Week 40, 41, & 42 are the primary weeks of the Coho run through the estuary and when the numbers were made available to the public they showed a total collapse of the Coho run forecast. This raises the question. Did the QIN withhold harvest numbers and continue fishing their schedule knowing the forecast run was not materializing? Did R-6 fail to ask for the QIN harvest numbers in a timely manner? Many believe that staff had been given the QIN harvest numbers verbally and that staff chose to withhold the information from the public which is problematic on so many levels it is difficult to describe. The questions I and many others could fill pages but can be boiled down to this. What did R-6 know about the QIN harvest numbers both Coho and Chinook and the failure of the Coho run forecast and when did they know it? If the QIN did not share the harvest numbers this is a substantial issue. If R-6 did not ask for the numbers or disregarded them this just as large failure. I would like to point out that in Willapa R-6 did react in a positive manner to adjust to the issue of the Coho run collapse be it to being late in the game. Additionally the time it takes for Grays Harbor harvest numbers to be placed upon WDF&W's website is appalling! This does not happen in other regions so why does R-6 struggle with posting Grays Harbor harvest numbers?

The citizens who worked so hard to get the GHMP in place deserve a forthright and honest explanation for the staff failure as it is totally unacceptable. Then one must recognize the broader issue. With what I outlined previously coupled with the landings and harvest in the ocean fisheries and the first returns to the Columbia showing a total collapse of the Coho run why was not action taken by the marine managers? Where is the monitoring and coordination of harvest between the ocean and fresh water? To wait until the very end to implement any conservation objectives only at the terminal fisheries defies logic. In fact in my mind the failures of R-6 pale in comparison to the failure of senior WDF&W staff to coordinate and manage the 2015 marine harvest and frankly did a very real injustice to R-6 ( and other regions ) fresh water management staff. The street slang for the manner in which the ocean managers functioned is called " autopilot " and I do believe that is just how senior harvest managers functioned in 2015. I doubt any terminal management policy can succeed with ocean managers and Olympia based senior staff conducting business in that manner.

My final thoughts reside in a issue that plagues all of WDF&W staff and it is the refusal to not speak in forthright and open manner. As a example I will use Steve Thiesfeld's comments in his presentation at the Commission meeting in which R-6 made a presentation updating the Grays Harbor 2015 season several weeks back. In that presentation he identified the many challenges faced but one particular statement stood out. When addressing the failure to likely to make escapement he more or less stated that the small commercial season Coho harvest even if cancelled would not have allowed us to make escapement. That is true except that the other fact is by allowing that fishery to proceed it totally destroyed any chance of a inriver fishery, violated Guiding Principles Section 7, and did not address just why the three prime week QIN harvest numbers were not made available. Later when many reacted in a unfavorable manner it was followed by staff describing the South Monte tidewater fishery as providing inriver equity. The Chehalis River is the second largest watershed in the state and to call tidewater fisheries meeting requirements is simply fiction. Whatever the issue is WDF&W staff cannot regain the public's trust if they do not speak candidly. It is true that when the agency staff have spoken frankly it has made many people angry. The other side is when they do not speak frankly they make everyone angry. I urge frankness and openness as in the long run folks can respect honesty but not duplicity.

A very good example of how to be open and transparent is the Power Point that R-6 recently provided that is going to be presented at the Commission meeting shortly. Mike Scharpf forwarded it out to the Advisers and public for them to look at and offer suggestions on its content rather than wait until it is presented to the Commission. I can say nothing negative as to this effort to reach out to the citizens. It is a excellent example on how staff should function which gets lost in the discussion due to it not being the consistent ongoing manner that staff does business.

One final item. Wynoochee Mitigation and remember Mr. Osborn and kicking the can down the road? Sad to say the only thing that has moved forward is the can, down the road, and little else. I grade it F- as little to nothing has been accomplished since the adoption of the GHMP instructing staff to move forward and meet the mitigation requirements.


Edited by Rivrguy (02/16/16 08:30 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#951398 - 02/17/16 07:40 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Here is the agenda for the upcoming Commission meeting.

Meeting Agenda
Download PDF version
February 26-27, 2016
Natural Resources Building
1111 Washington St SE
Olympia WA 98501
First Floor, Room 172


8:00 AM 1. Call to Order
1. Commissioners’ Discussion
2. Meeting Minute Approval

8:15 AM 2. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.
NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 AM 3. Director’s Report
The Director will brief the Commission on various items.

9:45 AM 4. Periodic Status Review (Northern Spotted Owl, Snowy Plover, Western Gray Squirrel, and Greater Sage-grouse) – Decision
Department staff will request approval from the Commission on the Periodic Status Reviews compiled for these four state listed species.
Staff Report: Penny Becker, Diversity Division Manager, Joseph Buchanan, Natural Resource Scientist, Derek Stinson and Gary Wiles, Wildlife Biologists

10:05AM Break

10:20 AM 5. Lands 20/20 – Briefing
Department staff will provide a briefing on the lands 20/20 process and the list of projects approved through the 2015 Lands 20/20 process; the Department will seek funding for projects approved in the Lands 20/20 process.
Staff Report: Cynthia Wilkerson, Lands Conservation and Restoration Section Manager and Lauri Vigue, Lands 20/20 Acquisition Coordinator

11:00 AM 6. Puget Sound Clam and Oyster Seasons – Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will brief the Commission on proposed season changes for clams and oysters on Puget Sound public beaches.
Staff Report: Philippa Kohn, Intertidal Bivalve Program Manager

11:15 PM 7. Puget Sound Commercial Smelt Quick Reporting - Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will provide the Commission a briefing on proposed permanent rules for quick reporting on Puget Sound commercial smelt fisheries.
Staff Report: Dayv Lowry, Ph.D., Research Scientist
PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

11:35 AM Lunch

1:00 PM 8. Hood Canal Chum Management Review – Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will provide the Commission with a briefing on methodology used for evaluation and in-season updating of Hood Canal chum run size for use in commercial fishery management.
Staff Report: Laurie Peterson, Puget Sound Salmon Manager and Kirt Hughes, Fishery Planning, Modeling, Regulations, and ESA Response
PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

2:00 PM 9. Executive Session
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.
No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to listen to the executive session.

3:00 PM Recess

SATURDAY, February 27, 2016

8:00 AM 10. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.
NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

8:30 AM 11. Grays Harbor Salmon Management Policy Review – Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will present an annual review to the Commission on the Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management Policy (C-3621) as set in the Adaptive Management objectives of the policy
Staff Report: Steve Thiesfeld, Region 6 Fish Program Manager and Mike Scharf, Fish Biologist
PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

9:30 AM 12. Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy Review – Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will present an annual review to the Commission on the Willapa Bay Basin Salmon Management Policy (C-3622) as set in the Adaptive Management objectives of the policy.
Staff Report: Steve Thiesfeld, Region 6 Fish Program Manager and Chad Herring, Fish Biologist
PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

10:30 AM 13. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief
The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.
11:30 PM Adjourn

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone (360) 902-2267

Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to participate in the public meeting are invited to contact Dolores Noyes by phone (360-902-2349), TTY (360-902-2207), or email (dolores.noyes@dfw.wa.govl). Reasonable accommodation requests should be received at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting to ensure availability. Please provide two (2) weeks’ notice for requests for ASL/ESL interpretation services. For more information, see
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#951435 - 02/17/16 05:44 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
fish4brains Offline
Dah Rivah Stinkah Pink Mastah

Registered: 08/23/06
Posts: 6202
Loc: zipper
They need to ban charter boats from bringing salmon aboard to determine if they're clipped or not. Extremely high mortality there. Also, enforce the barbless rule on charters.
Propping up an obsolete fishing industry at the expense of sound fisheries management is irresponsible. -Sg

#951735 - 02/22/16 07:00 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: fish4brains]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

Just a reminder of a couple of meetings concerning Grays Harbor. We have the NOF schedule for setting the 2016 seasons and the upcoming review of the 2015 seasons. It is at the Monte NOF that Region 6 staff release the 2016 preseason forecast. So as always I urge all to participate as one has little room to bitch if they do not stay involved. As soon as I get the numbers and information ( power point ) I will get it out to you all.

2016 North of Falcon Meeting Schedule
Date: Purpose: Location:
Feb 24th. Grays Harbor/Willapa Bay Salmon Forecast mtg. Montesano City Hall

March 1st. State-wide Forecast meeting Olympia GA Auditorium

March 8th. Willapa Bay Advisory mtg. Raymond High School
March 9th. Grays Harbor Advisory mtg. WDFW Office Montesano

March 9-14 PFMC #1 Sacramento Ca. Double Tree Hilton
March 16-17 NOF #1 Lacey Committee Center

March 22nd. Willapa Bay Public mtg. TBD - Raymond Elks or High School
March 23rd. Grays Harbor Public mtg. Montesano City Hall

March 29-31 NOF #2 Lynnwood Embassy Suites
April 9-14 PFMC #2 Vancouver Wa. Hilton.


Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission
600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091
February 18, 2016
Contact: Commission Office (360) 902-2267
Commission to consider listing status of four species,
discuss Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor salmon fisheries
OLYMPIA – The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is scheduled to take action on the protective status of four wildlife species at a public meeting Feb. 26-27 in Olympia.
The commission, a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), will convene in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building at 1111 Washington St. SE in Olympia. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. both days.
An agenda for the meeting is available at
During the meeting, the commission will consider WDFW’s recommendations to keep greater sage-grouse and western gray squirrels on the state’s threatened species list and snowy plovers and northern spotted owls on the state’s endangered species list.
The department’s listing recommendations are included in the recently updated periodic status reviews for each species. The report for greater sage-grouse can be found online at, while the review for the western gray squirrel is available at The reviews for the snowy plover and northern spotted owl are available online at and respectively.
The commission also will receive briefings and take public comments on salmon management actions over the past year in Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay as well as in-season management of Hood Canal chum salmon.
In other business, shellfish managers will provide a briefing on proposed season changes for clams and oysters on 20 Puget Sound public beaches. The commission will take public comments on those proposals before making a decision.
Additionally, WDFW staff will provide a briefing on 10 proposals to acquire land for fish and wildlife habitat and public recreation. The department will seek potential funding from state and federal grants for approved projects later this year.
Persons with disabilities who need to receive this information in an alternative format or who need reasonable accommodations to participate in WDFW-sponsored public meetings or other activities may contact Dolores Noyes by phone (360-902-2349), TTY (360-902-2207), or email ( For more information, see
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#951736 - 02/22/16 07:08 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
bob r Offline
Returning Adult

Registered: 04/17/13
Posts: 281
What time is the NOF meeting on the 24th in Monte? Bob R

#951738 - 02/22/16 07:44 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: bob r]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Well good question so I e mailed them. I imagine it is 6 or 7 but as soon as I get a reply I will post it. If someone else knows post it up.

Got it off the website.

Willapa Bay & Grays Harbor Forecast Meeting

6 p.m. – 8 p.m.; Montesano City Hall, 112 N Main St., Montesano WA
WDFW presents Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor salmon abundance forecasts. Fishery management objectives and preliminary fishing opportunities for 2016 are discussed.

Edited by Rivrguy (02/22/16 08:04 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#951739 - 02/22/16 08:55 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
DrifterWA Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 04/25/00
Posts: 4999
Loc: East of Aberdeen, West of Mont...
Originally Posted By: Rivrguy

WDFW presents Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor salmon abundance forecasts. Fishery management objectives and preliminary fishing opportunities for 2016 are discussed.

Paper fish, anyone who expected to fish the upper Chehalis or many of the tributaries know what happened to WDFW fishing opportunities in October, November and December 2015. Hope that any seasons that are set, put the WDFW management plans, both GH and Willapa, on the VERY FRONT OF THE BURNER.....grrrrrrrr to WDFW and how the plan worked, again, in a negative manner for the main stem Chehalis, above S. Montesano and the tribs. IMO

Edited by DrifterWA (02/22/16 08:56 AM)
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"

#951795 - 02/23/16 11:40 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: DrifterWA]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

We have a location change for the NOF forecast kick off meeting.

February 23, 2016
Contact: John Long, (360) 902-2733

Public meeting on salmon forecasts moved to new location

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has changed the location of the March 1 salmon forecast meeting in Olympia.

The department has scheduled the meeting from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the auditorium of General Administration Building, 210 11th St. SW, in Olympia.

Parking is available in the visitor lot of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. SE, which is a short walk to the General Administration Building.

At the meeting, WDFW will present initial forecasts – compiled by state and tribal biologists – of 2016 salmon returns.

A schedule of meetings and more information about the salmon season-setting process for Puget Sound, the Columbia River and the Washington coast is available on WDFW's website at

Persons with disabilities who need to receive this information in an alternative format or who need reasonable accommodations to participate in WDFW-sponsored public meetings or other activities may contact Dolores Noyes by phone (360-902-2349), TTY (360-902-2207), or email ( For more information, see
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952002 - 02/25/16 10:44 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

Here are the GH Numbers:




GOAL 1,400



FORECAST 19,500 4,410 8,300 3,020
GOAL 9,880 578 3,620 369
Achieve goal 3 of 5 years No Yes


Ocean Age 3 Estimates
FORECAST 40,600 * 13,100 3,600 7,300
GOAL 28,506 2,850 6,894 2,120
Achieve goal 3 of 5 years Yes No

* Not agreed-to with Quinault Indian Nation
FORECAST 33,500 2,200 35,700
GOAL 21,000 500
Achieve goal 3 of 5 years Yes

Edited by Rivrguy (02/25/16 10:46 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952003 - 02/25/16 10:46 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope


updated 02.22.16

TOTAL FORECAST 3,261 36,186 39,447
Willapa/ North River 1,426 17,291 18,717
Nemah/Palix 213 14,013 14,226
Naselle/Bear 1,622 4,882 6,504


Ocean Age 3 Estimates

FORECAST 39,516 28,093 67,609
Willapa/ North River 25,840 5,090 30,930
Nemah/Palix 5,091 0 5,091
Naselle/Bear 8,585 23,003 31,588


FORECAST 46,604 951 47,555

2016 WB Pre-Season Forecast Summary 02.09.1
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952340 - 03/01/16 05:17 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

I thought I would post up my input the Grays Harbor Policy review that submitted to the Commission.

Good morning Commissioners my name is Dave Hamilton and I would like to address two issues. First is since the adoption of the GHMP we have all struggled as it was implemented but staff has struggled more than the citizens of the Chehalis Basin. District 17 staff have never received the support necessary to fully do their job prior to the GHMP and even more so now. Just things, the tools needed to do ones job with some hope of success. In Willapa this was not the case as that support was provided internally but not Grays Harbor. I am asking that this be addressed immediately as issues such as in season monitoring which is a critical element of any management strategy will not be possible. The failure to provide the tools to District 17 staff or even recognize the need is a serious issue and frankly we failed staff. We ..... Commissioners from the Director to advocates such as myself on this issue we failed staff. The District 17 staff need to be provided the tools to do their jobs.

My second issue is what is known as the 3/5 penalty box which requires no targeted fishery on a stock that has failed to make escapement three out of five years. Since the implementation of the GHMP myself and others have struggled understand how the 3/5 provision works for conservation as it is applied. Last year a neighbor who is 82 years old asked why no Chinook retention and I explained it right down to reading the passages from the GHMP as he is legally blind. His response has stayed with me and goes to the heart of the issue. " Why are we being punished? We did nothing wrong! " He is correct Commissioners as the Rec fisher has had little to do with the failure to make escapement but are the ones who are being required to shoulder the burden of the 3/5 conservation standard.

To further complicate the issue is the simple fact that all the Quinault Indian Nation fishery ( QIN ) managers have to do is fish as they always have coupled with small runs or below escapement forecast in one or more species and over a period of years the GHMP 3/5 will dictate almost zero non treaty harvest. Add to mix all the QIN managers need to do is move a couple of days strategically to remove any opportunity for NT commercials. The Chehalis Chinook and Humptulips Coho are two prime examples as the GHMP 3/5 coupled with the 5% limiter due to a small runsize forecast and non treaty fisheries are almost nonexistent. With the 2016 Coho run being forecasted at a small run designation coupled with the GHMP 3/5 provision for Chehalis Chinook & Humptulips Coho it is hard to imagine any meaningful season for the Rec or the NT Commercial fisher.

In the coming weeks the 2016 seasons must be crafted. The question is how can this be done with the 3/5 provision without punishing those not responsible for the failure to make escapement in the past? Additionally information provided at the NOF preseason forecast meeting indicates that the QIN forecasting methodology had been changed resulting in vastly different numbers than WDF&W. This lends credence to the thought that the QIN representatives are manipulating their processes to create the most dire situation for the non treaty fishers and undermine the GHMP.

Whatever the outcome of the 2016 season setting process there is a pressing need to address the fact that the 3/5 provision regardless of the intent has in the end punished those who had almost zero to do with the issue of failure to make escapement, which is the inland fresh water Rec fisher, and did little to solve the issue. The fact is the non treaty fisher is being punished for the failure of the QIN managers to address equitable sharing of harvest. Add to the mix the fact the 3/5 clause actually provides an incentive to the QIN managers to not address the failure to make escapement as 3/5 actually provides benefit to the tribal managers for failures to make escapement by limiting non treaty harvest resulting in an even larger QIN harvest share at the states non treaty fisher's expense. This issue needs to be addressed immediately to insure that the non treaty fishers are not again punished for the past failures to make escapement as they had little to do with that failure.

Commissioners recognition is needed of the fact as written the GHMP 3/5 provision punishes with the greatest severity the non treaty Rec fisher who had the least to do with the failure to make escapement. A adjustment of some sort is required to insure that the Rec fisher does not continue to shoulder the entire conservation needs of the fish driven by the ongoing issues & disagreements between the state and tribal managers in Grays Harbor.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952350 - 03/01/16 08:35 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Salmo g. Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/08/99
Posts: 13419
Good input Rivrguy. Thanks.


#952353 - 03/01/16 08:52 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Salmo g.]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
And another citizens view of the issue.

Dear Commissioners and Director Unsworth:

I attended the Saturday February 27, 2016 meeting reviewing the Grays Harbor and Willapa Management Plans. The citizen input for the Grays Harbor Plan created some confusion around natural origin Chinook escapement goals and the 3/5 “penalty box”. My purpose is to try to address the confusion and highlight the real issue.

The discussion centered on the Chehalis natural origin Chinook escapement goal in 2010 which was 12,364 and the 2014 change to 9,880. These goals determine whether or not we made escapement in three of the past five years (known as the “penalty box”). Being in the penalty box eliminates direct harvest of Chinook regardless of harvestable numbers. This is not the issue. We failed to meet escapement in 2012, 2013, and 2014 under either of these escapement goals.

The real issues are that the Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) manages by different rules and by acting in their own best interest they can keep the non tribal fishers in the penalty box forever! This unanticipated result could lead to destruction of the Management Plan that we all worked so hard to develop.

The QIN and WDFW agree on a run size and the harvestable number of fish available each season. The QIN is limited to half the harvestable number of total Chinook entering Grays Harbor. The WDFW rules consider natural origin and hatchery origin fish and also divide them between the Humptulips and the Chehalis rivers when considering escapement. The penalty box presently concerns the status of the Chehalis natural origin Chinook escapement. This is not a limitation for the QIN. It will be in their best interest to over harvest the Chehalis stock driving it to under escapement while still meeting all their harvest obligations. In addition there are no penalties if the QIN totally fail to meet any harvest criteria.

If this situation develops we will always be in the no direct Chinook harvest penalty box through no fault of WDFW management. The commission needs to prevent this penalty box condition from taking effect if it is due to actions by the QIN. If we have no way to escape the penalty box, the plan is unlikely to survive.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952912 - 03/07/16 06:50 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Next up we have the Advisers meeting in the 8th for Willapa and 9th for GH at Montesano the 9th.

March 8th. Willapa Bay Advisory mtg. Raymond High School
March 9th. Grays Harbor Advisory mtg. WDFW Office Montesano
March 9-14 PFMC #1 Sacramento Ca. Double Tree Hilton
March 16-17 NOF #1 Lacey Committee Center
March 22nd. Willapa Bay Public mtg. TBD - Raymond Elks or High School
March 23rd. Grays Harbor Public mtg. Montesano City Hall

Attached is the Power Point presentation from the NOF meeting in Montesano. Lots of information to look at it but it is Chehalis Coho that should jump at you. The State is forecasting 40k and the QIN 30k. Big difference so I do not know what is the final going to be.

Also a paper by Bill Bakke is attached. For you science readers it is good read. ( E mail me if you want either of these two items )

Now my last item is not one I care for. Rather than try and answer the e mail questions here is what I know. At the NOF kick off meeting in Olympia a couple of guides and others got R-6 to agree to allow them to use the WDF&W offices for a Recreational user meeting for the 2016 seasons BUT only a select few were on the list. I went off the deep end and blew a gasket. Ain't no way no how R-6 should ever allow a sanctioned meeting out of the public eye and they did sanction it. If you recall I had to go to court and use the PDR process to get Advisers meetings open and the model unlocked.

This was followed by one involved coming back and saying he had thought it out and what they were doing was not right. Followed by e-mails from the guides to staff saying they still wanted to meet in Montesano. Then here comes a e mail from staff in Montesano on state letterhead announcing that there is a meeting for the people trying to do this but now stating staff will not be present. ( in the back rooms I guess as they have to have staff present to open the doors and oversee for security ) More e mails and these gillnetter comments drug me into the mud.

Gillnetter: W hy is the state even considering letting the recreational fisherman hold a meeting without staff being there. Don't they have a clubhouse for that. That is a waste of taxpayer money. The commercial fisherman already feel the state is siding with the recs now, I guess this proves it.

My Response: Whoa there. This thing has nothing to do with the Rec fisher. It is a couple of guides and some others and for heaven's sake nobody outside the selected few even know that this is happening. I objected but pretty much got swept aside so don't do this Rec's fault as they don't even know about it.

Oh it gets better later in the email thread from a gillnetter: This is good to know that the region six office is open to the public, maybe Tuesday we can sell girl scout cookies, Wednesday little league can sell donuts, Thursday cake of the month and Friday a bake sale for those out of work due to the policy!! Looks like not many know by the names on the list. Good to know what not many people are and that the region six office is open to the public with very little notice. Just curious what not many people is? Can we use the NRB building for the flavor of the month club next week?

Bottom line I will not be present for this attempt by some to manipulate the NOF process for their own interest at the expense of the inland Chehalis Basin fishers. I am not perfect by any means in fact I am a rather flawed person in my own view but I do have ethics and core values. The line in a movie went " my hypocrisy only goes so far " and this crap is off the deep end.

You know what amazes me ? Just how on earth did staff get sucked into this knowing the history of this basin? If you figure it out you let me know.

Edited by Rivrguy (03/07/16 07:03 AM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952926 - 03/07/16 12:59 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Well depending on your views on the GH policie I do believe that a all out attack is underway. Draw your own conclusions.

Hi Everyone,

At the February 27th Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting, Department staff did not recommend any changes to the Grays Harbor Salmon Management Policy. However, Commissioners asked the Department if there were any adaptive management measures that could be implemented this year to assist in setting the seasons. Department staff committed to reviewing some options and potentially bringing those options back to the Commission for further discussion. With North of Falcon upon us, some resolution is needed in short order.

Department staff will work with the Fish Committee on some initial ideas. If we feel there are some viable options for consideration, we would bring them forward for a discussion with the entire Commission. We are tentatively looking at the afternoon of March 22nd for a special Commission conference call to discuss this issue. We feel it is important for the public to have an opportunity to provide some feedback regarding any options that are discussed. Therefore we are planning on having listening stations in both Montesano and Olympia for you to listen to the discussion and then provide any testimony. We will do our best to get any options developed out to you in a timely manner, although there may only be a few days between Fish Committee and the special Commission call.

I'll try to keep everyone informed when a final date and time are selected.

Thank you.

Edited by Rivrguy (03/07/16 02:36 PM)
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952936 - 03/07/16 02:34 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: Rivrguy]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
This meeting tonight has a lot of folks wondering what the heck is going on so in chronological order. At the NOF kick off a GH Adviser thought a meeting suggested to him was a good idea. After getting home he changed his realizing it was inappropriate.

March 2
Subject: Meeting
Steve.. After severe consideration, I no longer wish to hold any meeting prior to Next Wednesday's meeting. I feel we will be out of step dealing with the policy. I therefore do not need the WDFW meeting room next Mon.
Joe & Duane, This decision comes, for me, with severe concerns. If some one wants to circulate their thoughts, feel free to do so at your expense.
Will see all at the Advisers meeting Wed, Mar. 9.

The same day this and look to the definition of number of people and who were invited to attend in red.
I feel we need to meet and talk with whoever wants to talk because this is a big issue......and several other people are coming so Steve, D and I and several others will be there.....
Thanks J

The same day this.
Based on the critical nature of this season and season setting process, Jxx and I as well as others will intend on meeting at 6pm on Monday. I feel it's very important to be united on the recreational side when you and staff and the advisors meet to ensure forward progress with less in-fighting. If we have agreement and goals that we are in agreement on, it should make your job and this process easier on all.
Which resulted in the following response from me.
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 1:08:41 PM
Subject: RE: Meeting
Steve Ron

XXX called and said you endorsed the Rec Advisers and some folks to get together to come together with a common approach to 2016 seasons. Lord guys I about had a stroke as I cannot do that. My reasons are below and I do have some ethics. I argued like everything to get the process open to the public and stop the perception of the advisers diving up the pie out of the public eye. It goes against everything I believe in.

B & J

Guys I cannot set down with some advisers and select people to put forth or agree to anything. If you recall XXX I fought like hell to get the adviser process open to get rid of the making deal bit. It goes against everything I stand for.

That said if someone sponsors a meeting with public notice for advisers to listen to input from the public to carry into the process I am good to go.



This was originally on the e mail became 30 plus names including the gillnetters followed by this from staff on March 4 and the five person group

I’m sending this notice to let you know that some folks from the Grays Harbor recreational fishing community want to get together Monday evening to talk about the upcoming 2016 salmon season. The Department has been asked if the Regional office can be used as the meeting place. This is NOT a Department meeting, but we will have the office available from 6 to 8pm Monday, March 7th. Department staff will not be available for questions. Again, the recreational fishing community want to get together to talk.

So you guys have to draw your own conclusions but until I yelled foul it was a limited by invite thing and only changed after I objected. So there it is make your own call as to what just happened.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

#952989 - 03/07/16 11:39 PM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
eyeFISH Offline
Ornamental Rice Bowl

Registered: 11/24/03
Posts: 12615
Good meeting and very productive discussion tonight for 18 rec participants who sacrificed a long drive and/or 2 hours of their precious personal time to meet as private U.S. citizens exercising their 1st Amendment Rights to "peaceably assemble" as members of the recreational angling community.

We promptly changed venue to dash any ill-contrived perceptions and horribly misguided allegations of impropriety in assembling and conducting state business on WDFW property. For the record, we assembled with the intent of mutually sharing ideas about how to achieve the best possible season for recreational salmon fishing in Grays Harbor for 2016.... nothing more, nothing less. Get over it!

Cliff Notes version:
We met to casually talk about fishing seasons, and if any of you conspiracy theorists don't like it, you can kiss my red-necked podunk country Ornamental a$$ and FOOK OFF!

See ya Wednesday night!
"Let every angler who loves to fish think what it would mean to him to find the fish were gone." (Zane Grey)

"If you don't kill them, they will spawn." (Carcassman)

The Keen Eye MD
Long Live the Kings!

#952991 - 03/08/16 03:43 AM Re: FISHINGTHECHEHALIS.NET [Re: eyeFISH]
Rivrguy Offline
River Nutrients

Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4478
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope

Well glad to see it all worked out for you Francis.
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in

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