When the Slade question first came up I e-mailed him asking about his position on, or lack of effort in the removal of the Elwah dams (in my back yard). I recieved a reply today. It was very interesting, educational, and research provoking. Thought I would share it with you guys, and let you draw your own conclusions. Thanks for your .02 and your computer expertise R.T.

Thank you for your e-mail regarding Elwha Dam removal. I appreciate
hearing from you, and apologize for the delay in my response.
Like you, I want to do everything possible to restore our salmon runs in
the Pacific Northwest. As you may know, acquisition of the Elwha and
Glines Canyon dams was authorized by Congress in 1992. From 1993 to
1994, a Democratic controlled Congress refused to appropriate funds for
this project. It was not until Republicans took over Congress after the
1994 election that funding was finally made available for the removal of
the dams. In 1995, I took over as chairman of the Senate Interior
Appropriations Subcommittee. I was happy to include a total of $29
million for acquisition of the dams in the FY 1996, 1997 and 1998
appropriations bills. I also included another $22 million for the
removal fund in the FY 2000 Interior Appropriations bill. One of my
main concerns in regards to providing funding for the Elwha Dam removal
has been to protect the City of Port Angeles water supply. In 1999, I
fought to include $5.5 million to design and engineer a new water
filtration system for Port Angeles. The FY 2000 Interior bill also
directed the National Park Service to acquire the Elwha River dams by
February 29, 2000.
I have been urging the Department of the Interior to acquire the dams
since 1997. Instead of utilizing the funding I had already set aside
for this project, Interior Secretary Babbitt insisted that he would not
acquire the dams until the full amount was appropriated to remove the
dams. Since estimated removal costs are around $122 million, it was
impossible to appropriate that amount of funding in one fiscal year.
Babbitt's "groundbreaking" announcement earlier this year was long
overdue. It is unfortunate that this announcement did not come two and
a half years ago. With the support of the local communities, I will
continue to support the removal of the Elwha Dam.
You will be pleased to know that the Senate Interior Appropriations bill
for FY 2001 includes another $15 million to continue removal
preparations, while the House Interior Appropriations bill only has $7.5
Again, thank you for writing. Please feel free to contact me in the
United States Senator
HEY IT WORKED!! Thanks again R.T.