Unbelievable. What keeps you there, Parker?
My children, a parenting plan, and their education. Once the last child is done with high school, we are outta here! 6 more years, as the baby is 12 and in the 6th grade now.
First the song lyrics and now this.
What's next.....Blurry moon pictures?
Are you OK man?
Never been better. Thanks for asking!
You 206ers don't scoop poop.
Most of you stick your hand in a plastic bag (similar to the ones you outlawed at grocery stores) and fondle your dog's steaming piles before neatly tying the bag in a knot and carrying it for the remainder of your nature walk. I would have more respect for you if you did actually use a shovel.
I don't own a dog and would never scoop poop. OTOH, I would never own a non-hunting dog that didn't have acreage to run feely on. Hence, why I don't own a lab in C-attle.
It's good for all those career students to see the type of housing their diplomas will get them once they enter the real world. Reality check 101.
Wrong university, dude. You have this school and students mistaken for WSU or U of O. Besides, most of the graduating students here will go back to China, Korea, Japan, etc.
At least now when you stare out the window during the summer, drooling at some 20 year old wearing next to nothing as she roller blades down the sidewalk, you can claim you were staring over the fence at the less fortunate.

Make them all mods.
And to think that liberal toilet bowl carries the vote in this state.

Damn good idea.
Even as one who lives in this cess pool of libtardness, it pains me to see the 206'ers carry the majority of the vote. OTOH, not like I really want someone from Enumclaw, SeaTac, Chehalis Basin, or Quillcene to have any say either.

PS - LUNCH IS READY! It's homemade left over chili with grated cheese and sour cream available as toppings. Spoons and bowls are washed.
PPS - OH, and just in case you didn't know, our seminars are open to the public and often have refreshments served afterwards. Almost every doctoral or masters defense has at least coffee, juice, bagels, and cookies at them.