Marty, one the first posts I made on this BB, back around March '00, was how to make custom homemade baitoils. Use the search feature to find it; it's too long to re-type (or if you find it and know how to copy and paste go ahead and post it under this thread). There are a number of ways the OTC oils are processed. Cold pressing to extract oils from baitfish is one. Then it is filtered and refined by some (Mike's) and not filtered by other's (Pro-Cure). I think I mentioned way back in that post that I discovered the very best base oil for homemade scents is Spectrum Essentials brand Flax Seed oil (found at health food stores; I experimented with it after tasting it). It is very purified, full of omega-3 fats, and even taste a tiny bit fishy (not as bad as cod liver oil though). If you put 8 oz. of this oil in a clean blender with a rounded 1/2 teaspoon of powdered sodium sulfite and 1 teaspoon of MSG, you can toss in one or a combo of such as sardine/herring/anchovie filets, salmon eggs, sandshrimp tails, crawfish tails, prawn tails, squid are underated excellant, albacore tuna filet (or oil packed canned tuna in a pinch), or about anything the fish like. Just puree it real well and you have a better and thicker scent than many of the OTC oils. For some varients to try in some of your concocktions, use a few drops of Cravex Plus &/or Dr. Juice concentrate &/or anise oil &/or quality garlic oil &/or vanila extract. For an experiment: in targeting hatchery Kings and steelhead, try to obtain the exact pellet feed from the hatchery that the fish imprinted on while growing into releasable smolts and pre-powder it to put in the blender mix. E-mail me with your results with that one. - RT