#972804 - 02/07/17 07:08 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: Gnomesayin]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
Not really. Facebook is designed around millenial snowflakes, who "like" things and that is the only option. Gen X doesn't like things, we only dislike things. Some things we dislike because we actually dislike them, sometimes we dislike things we actually like out of irony. As for generation snowflake, the dislike is probably a combination of both.
Secondly, Gen X traits the highest in individualism. Remember we were left to our own devices to grow up on our own. Therefore the connectivity and immediate feedback of facebook is psychologically draining to us.
If we had helicopter parents we would have looked just as dumb as millenial snowflakes.
Sadly most Generation X were more manly at 15 than most millenials are at 35. The reason you are on this site is because you want respect from older more manly men, which is most likely lacking in your real life (either you don't know any manly men or they don't respect you). You perceive, correctly, that you and the other generation snowflakes are lacking in manliness and want to fit in with the older manly men to finally be anointed as a man after your 30 year long childhood. You haven't got the respect you're looking for, nor will you as long as you continue to be offended by words like snowflake.
If you don't like us calling snowflakes snowflakes, make just grow the fukk up and if you can't, you can always go back and fukk off to your safe space. If you are offended by the word snowflake, then you ARE a snowflake and we will continue to refer to you as such. If you are not offended by the word snowflake, then it doesn't apply to you but since it applies to most of your generation we will ironically continue to refer to you as such. Either way get used to it, snowflake. Gnomesayin? Jesus, gnome is just another Gen x that think gen X is so special. Gen x is about individualism and they are all different unlike snow flakes that are........oops..... Looks like you think you are more logical than you actually are. Typical pretentious gen x thing to do. You clearly enjoy the smell of your own individual farts and are no different than those you despise. You also like to talk about how manly you are and how millennials are not manly. Sounds like you are a special manly snowflake big boy! You look so manly in your carharts!
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972805 - 02/07/17 07:19 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: Jason Beezuz]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
I'm losing you again here, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, so let me tweet at ya...
>never claimed gen x wuz special >wuz explaining how the boomers talked smack about us 2 >so much pretension >showed you how we haz improved >suggested generation snowflake could improve themselves by following our example by acting more like men >so much pretension >hopes generation snowflake will improve themselves but it looks doubtful >never claimed I wuz logical >never claimed 2 despise anyone >said dislike of snowflakes was partly ironic >so much pretension >TBH I feel bad 4 generation snowflake, it's awful what those worthless scumbag boomers did 2 u >muh feelz >but they need an army of servile beta men 2 pay for their retirement >so they miseducated u on purpose so they can take advantage of u >#itsworking >so much pretension >carhartt jeans and flannels do look manly thanks for noticing >quality women will notice that 2 and give access to puss >so much pretension I prolly sniff muh own farts
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972806 - 02/07/17 07:45 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
You should write a text book about how awesome gen x is and how fukt millennials and baby boomers are. I think they would teach from it at evergreen.
Make sure you don't forget to add a section about how carharts make you look more manly since millennials are so unmanly, maybe boomers could use that too.
Also don't forget that part about how individual gen X is. They rank the highest in individualism as you say. Every one is different like a snow flake.
You should call your book "Gen X: the snowflake generation that is manly and way better than millennials and boomers".
You already wrote this book today in you free time while listening to Nirvana in you doc martins and posted it to the Internet, just print it out and call a publisher.
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972807 - 02/07/17 08:01 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
>I never said how awesome Gen X wuz >wuz explaining why u wuz wrong about Gen X being on facebook, mentioned the word individualsim >implying anything I say is remotely worth putting in a book >it's not even worth putting on this website >not realizing there are dozens of books on this topic already >i read them obv u didn't >implying that they teach anything at Evergreen >implying that snowflakes have the attention span 2 read a book >implying boomers wear skinny jeans, da fuq? >individualism is the habit of being independent and self-reliant >snowflake is about emotional dependence on opinions of others >individualism is about being resilient >snowflake is about being less resilient >individualism favors freedom for individuals over collective >snowflake is about what group u identity with rather than individuality >implying individualism = snowflake >individualism has nothing to do with being a snowflake >snowflakes need to grow up and seek independent lives >snowflakes have unrealistically inflated self-views >excepting their helicopter parents others have realistic views of snowflakes >snowflakes r offended due to narcissistic rage >snowflakes need to stop caring about the opinions of others >snowflakes can't handle the opinions of others but can't stop obsessing over them >Nirvana and Doc Martin reference lol >now you're getting it >ur still a snowflake tho
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972809 - 02/07/17 08:21 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
I get it now. The snowflake metaphor had missed me. They rely on others to make them feel good about themselves. I thought it was just like every snowflake is different and unique.
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972810 - 02/07/17 08:23 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
>I'm glad my tweets got through 2 u, friend >now u on board with the snowflake thing >much love >muh feelz
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972811 - 02/07/17 08:31 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
Not on board with the snowflake thing. This country has serious problems and it isn't because millennials are snowflakes. That's just a distraction from real issues.
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972812 - 02/07/17 08:32 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
The real culprit are those gen x punks!
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972813 - 02/07/17 08:42 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
The real culprit are those gen x punks! Please elaborate. I have honestly never heard this one before. I'd like to hear why.
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972825 - 02/08/17 07:50 AM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
I remember when I was young and there were articles about how great the boomer gen was and how lazy an apathetic the x gen was. Boomers bought the [Bleeeeep!] out of those mags.
Than later when x had grown up a little and had some money, mags started writing articles about how great x was and x bought the [Bleeeeep!] outa them.
In the future, when millennials have jobs and money, Time will write a cover article about how great they are and it will sell like crazy.
I tend to avoid drinking koolaid and see way too much revisionist history these days.
Plus, gen X and boomers were put in a perfect situation to succeed compared to later gens. You had internet opportunities and economic opportunities that may never again be available. We live in a much less opptimistic and bullish time and how is that the young people's fault?
I know POS boomers and gen Xers that [Bleeeeep!] around their whole life and own a house. That's never gonna happen again. Younger people have a very good work ethic IMO, it's just a lot harder to make anything of it. That's a challenge we embrace too. We don't whine about it like older folks whine about us.
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972829 - 02/08/17 08:05 AM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/28/09
Posts: 3348
Go easy on us X-ers, Beezy. We've had to deal with not only the mental anguish of realizing what our parents have done to our country, but also with the stark realization that our kids are even more screwed up and hopeless than we are (which doesn't reflect all that well on us, I suppose). I think it comes down to natural social progressions that have occurred throughout history. Funny how we refuse to learn from history....
As regards manliness, particularly the perceived lack thereof observed in today's America, look no further than the statistics on father absenteeism. The statistics are shocking, but the results are not surprising. Boys raised without dads don't all end up screwy, but the vast majority of them do. Hence, today's American "male."
By the numbers, I'd be surprised to learn there aren't at least a few deadbeats among us right now, piling onto the poor little snowflakes their ilk has created. Sad state of affairs.
#972836 - 02/08/17 09:15 AM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
Beezy, you are snowflaking so hard it's like a blizzard in here. First off, economic cycles are a thing, deal with it. Every generation has had its struggles. Nothing was handed to anyone on a silver platter as you snowflakes tell it. Maybe if you keep spinning that fantasy and whine enough, the big bad older people will hand everything to you on a silver platter. But I doubt it. Millennials don't own houses because they don't want to start from the bottom. They expect their first house will be brand new, luxurious and in a great location, instead of a starter fixer upper house. Most millennials are so addicted to consumerism they buy too much stupid schit, don't save money, carry to much debt and are financially illiterate. But in fairness they were never taught. Basic financial literacy is a basic skill, easy to teach, but I've never heard a snowflake ever even ask to learn. Snowflakes who don't own houses are too busy condescendingly explaining to everyone older who do own houses why it's impossible to buy a house, when they instead should be humbly asking them how they can. Bezzy you can bitch about GenX all you want. I don't care because I don't have my identity wrapped up in it. Nothing you said in your posts explains how GenX is the culprit behind your generations problems. We didn't start the self esteem movement, we didn't brainwash you with boomer hippy bullschit and we didn't wreck the economy. But if you have any interesting conspiracy theory how it's GenX's fault, I'd like to hear it. It should be about as good as my McDonalds conspiracy in the other thread and about as accurate as well. As for not whining, are you serious? You snowflakes are the worst eternal complainers. Precious snowflakes don't do anything to help themselves succeed. All they do is circle jerk and talk about how the world is schitty when they could be using that time to be more productive or to improve themselves. Not to mention they are always depressed, emo, wishy-washy and generally effeminate non-leader types who don't do things instead things happen to them. I can't think of a single snowflake who seriously changed the world for the better, yet generation snowflake has such a high opinion of themselves. They are for the most part, severely lacking in motivation, won't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and instead always require a boot up their asses. Snowflakes are procrastinators and daydreamers who don't have the will to power required to impose that will on reality, so they give up on the perpetual struggle of life and the eternal overcoming of our own limitations because they were not immediately handed success on a silver platter. In fairness, you were brainwashed into being a snowflake but you can still become a real man instead of the snowflake you were programmed to become. Being a snowflake instead of a man is something that can be overcome. What have you done to overcome it? You still don't grasp the snowflake concept. Here is the basic argument of the snowflake: Everyone is a special beautiful and unique snowflake, therefore I am a special beautiful and unique snowflake. Since I am a special beautiful and unique snowflake I want special treatment to show what a special beautiful and unique snowflake I am. The rebuttal: But if everyone is a special beautiful and unique snowflake then everyone should get special treatment too. If everyone gets special treatment, then the treatment is no longer special, it is ordinary. So if everyone is a special beautiful and unique snowflake then everyone should get treated ordinarily. Snowflakes, like you, don't get that. Because they have been heaped with inordinate and unearned praise by parents and teachers growing up and it warped their fragile narcissistic little minds. Snowflakes unrealistically expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. Being treated as an ordinary person is too much for those precious little snowflakes. Enjoy the sting of this criticism for it is intended as constructive criticism. If you internalize the criticism and change yourself you can overcome being a snowflake. Most likely it won't make it through your narcissistic defenses because it causes to much emotional pain. Instead of hiding from the pain, feel the pain. It won't kill you. That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972837 - 02/08/17 09:36 AM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Area code makes me cooler than you
Registered: 01/27/15
Posts: 4569
I've created a few yellow and brown snow flakes on the river bank the last few days.
#972838 - 02/08/17 10:21 AM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: WDFW X 1 = 0]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
I've created a few yellow and brown snow flakes on the river bank the last few days. So you've accomplished something more than any millennial. Congrats?
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972840 - 02/08/17 10:57 AM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Area code makes me cooler than you
Registered: 01/27/15
Posts: 4569
Gnome test. What do you see below?
(.) (.)
#972849 - 02/08/17 12:32 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: FleaFlickr02]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
As regards manliness, particularly the perceived lack thereof observed in today's America, look no further than the statistics on father absenteeism. The statistics are shocking, but the results are not surprising. Boys raised without dads don't all end up screwy, but the vast majority of them do. Hence, today's American "male."
By the numbers, I'd be surprised to learn there aren't at least a few deadbeats among us right now, piling onto the poor little snowflakes their ilk has created. Sad state of affairs. Deadbeat dads and single mothers are the worst type of fukking scumbags in the world. They come right before feminists and divorcees, which they generally also are. Boomers have the highest percentage in all three categories. Good men marry good women and have good children. Scumbags impregnate strong independent women® who doesn't need a man™ to live the have it all lifestyle®, then walk away and allow her to warp their child's mind. People who are naive and stupid so slightly less of a scumbag marry strong independent women® who does need a man to pay for her to live the have it all lifestyle®, then stand idly by and allow her to warp their child's mind, then get divorced when they are finally tired of her catty relational aggression in the form of toxic vapid feminist drivel. Deadbeat dads and single mothers are far worse than snowflakes. If most snowflakes are the children of strong independent women® who doesn't need a man™ to live the have it all lifestyle®, it wouldn't surprise me. We do know that most teachers are strong independent women® who doesn't need a man™ to live the have it all lifestyle® because the classrooms they teach and the cats they have at home substitute for actual families and children.
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972850 - 02/08/17 12:35 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
Gnome, I'm fat and ugly. I can't be a narcissist it doesn't work. I've been working hard and got two college degrees while being fully employed. I know lots of people just like me. They work hard played hard just like everybody else.
The problems you perceive the millennials to have sound like rich spoiled white kids between the age of 16-22. I think rich spoiled white kids at that age in gen x were also total pieces of [Bleeeeep!]. In any gen they were all POS.
Also, don't judge a whole generation on what they accomplished by the age of 25. You gen x folks were just as stoned and lost at a young age as millennials. You guys wrote whiny zines about it and now millennials post whiny garbage online.
It sounds you and your gen x peers think you are pretty fuckin special, snowflake.
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
#972852 - 02/08/17 12:42 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
It all boils down to this - I'm right, everyone else is wrong, and anyone who disputes this is clearly a dumbfuck.
Registered: 03/07/99
Posts: 16958
Loc: SE Olympia, WA
You aren't very good at this.
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell. I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.
Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames
#972854 - 02/08/17 12:51 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
Juvenile at Sea
Registered: 03/13/16
Posts: 129
Loc: In Rich's Garden
It sounds you and your gen x peers think you are pretty fuckin special, snowflake.
Nah, the Silent generation was better than us by far. The boomers were literally the worst generation in history to ever come along before you guys. GenX is just a fart in an empty room, it's a small demographic. Generation Snowflake are now the current worst generation of all time, agreed on by all. The next generation, GenZ, I have high hopes for. Based on surveys of the values of 15 year olds in the current year, they are looking to be the best generation in living memory. They more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial and pragmatic about money. These up and comers are going to bowl you the fukk over when they hit the workforce. Enjoy your future of sucking up to younger bosses snowflake. Also, don't judge a whole generation on what they accomplished by the age of 25. You gen x folks were just as stoned and lost at a young age as millennials. You guys wrote whiny zines about it and now millennials post whiny garbage online. Dead wrong, the vast majority of people in my high school graduating class owned houses by 25. A substantial number of them also owning their own businesses. They didn't snowflake around in college staring at their navel. Right after graduation they learned a trade, got a paid apprenticeship, bought a house, started a family, mastered their craft, went out on their own to start a business in that craft, have no interest employing snowflakes who know so much that simply isn't so, have problems hiring guys right out of high school because they are all snowflakes now too and it feels bad man but that looks like it's about to change as mentioned above. Meanwhile you are just graduating with your spendy degree in snowflake navel gazing, bitter at the world because you never had a chance to make it although these were simply the natural consequences of your choices. In fairness, you've been lied to by women and effeminte male parents and teachers perpetuating the myth that road to success is paved with college degrees. You are not entitled to success because you have a college degree. You are not entitled to success because you work hard, although this is part of it but not enough. You get success by providing value. You never mention how much value you provide, people who provide value to others get value in return from others. You get from the economy back what you put in. Instead of thinking the economic recession is stopping your generations success, have you ever considered that Generations Snowflake's failure to succeed is the cause of the recession? PS. >LOL@Zines >totally forgot about those >much nostalgia >muh feelz
I'm a gnome truther. Take the bluepill and go back to the dreamworld or take the gnomepill and see how far down the rabbit hole it goes. Gnomesayin?
#972864 - 02/08/17 04:01 PM
Re: The liberals are losing their minds.
[Re: ]
My Waders are Moist
Registered: 11/20/08
Posts: 3419
Loc: PNW
Gnome, you owned a house at 25 because that was a 500$ a month mortgage. Don't kid yourself.
I wish when I looked in the mirror I saw a manly hard working value providing gnome in carharts with a tiny gnome dick. One who writes text books of his bull [Bleeeeep!] on an inane website all day while "providing value" to our society.
But instead I see a guy who works his ass off, is reliable, is well educated with no debt and the world at his door step; plus instead I don't have a tiny gnome dick like you and I dot have habit of writing text books of bull [Bleeeeep!] all day about how special my generation is and how fukt other generation are, I dont have the time for that.
Keep up the hard work gnome sayin cuz according to you, we'd all be fukt if it wasn't for all the hard work and sacrifices of your generation. Sounds like you carry the load, the tiny little gnome load.
Maybe he's born with it.
Maybe it's amphetamines.
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