Copy and pasted my post from our BB. I thought some of you guys into horses or "sayings" might enjoy this. And can add to it!
Some prescription cough syrup I got today for a case of bronchitis has me in one of my silly moods . I tend to sip the stuff instead of use a spoon, so bare with me ... ah, I mean bear with me. The stuff almost had me posting where I had a successful all day egg hunt yesterday (Thur.), which would get me in a lot of trouble with some guys ... but I've got more horse sense than that . This could turn into a fish post but it's gonna be about horses and sayings. So, do horses have a lot of sense, and what's the origin of that saying? Sure are a lot of traditional sayings involving horses. I remember long ago having to ask around to come up with the origin of "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" ... meaning don't criticise something given to you for free (hey, that applies to BB's, so don't dis a non-fish post
). It came from the history of horse buyers checking inside the mouths of horses as an indicator of it's health .... so it became an insult to do that when given one for free. I don't know where this horsey saying came from, but "it came right from the horse's mouth" ... not chewed hay either. No .. means something like it came from the person directly involved? So what the hell does that have to do with a horses mouth? ... Why are there SO many horse sayings? We all know what's meant by a horse's ass, but where did that come from? What's wrong with a horse's ass? BTW, who came up with calling a burrow/donkey hybred an ass? And why? .... Wanna horse around with any more of these? I have never seen a horse, horse around with anything! .... Wait a minute ... everything a horse does is horseing around! I should say I haven't seen very many horses playing/goofing around ... except for some rambunctious younger ones; but is that enough to use it as a traditional saying? Waz up with that? Speaking of up ... get off your high horse ... huh? OK, I think that means quit acting above other people. But what does that have to do with a horse? And another thing about politicians; where do people get off on calling inaccuracies and exagerations horsesh*t? Horse pie can't lie. And that ain't no bullsh*t! I think these sayings are all a bunch of horse feathers! Ah ... nevermind. Will any of you ol' farts please explain the origins of these sayings? They must have evolved before the advent of the automobile, when horses were more a part of everyone's lives. Right now I can't think of any sayings that don't have horse in them so I'm going into the kitchen and make a pig of myself. And if I have enough energy left I will go upstairs and horse around ... Wait .. pigs! Too many of those and I'm gettin, tired. Feel free to bring some up, and speculate on the origins. - RT