Thanks for posting the links eyeFISH as I am well versed in California fishing "issues" still to this day as many old friends are involved in the charter industry down there as well as well as many rec anglers too. I know they were quite apprehensive before March 2017 but one friend and charter boat operator out of Sausalito ( fished with NewRayann for 14 years) went to March 1st Santa Rosa meeting and also attended the March 7th Vancouver WA meeting for PFMC and attended the early April meeting in Sacramento to voice his and all others involved in rec and charter industry and they got a decent number of days with nice numbers and quality fish. It's always a crystal ball estimate and glad it turned out for those guys down there this year! Sometimes ya' just get lucky I suppose.
Numbers rise and fall and I get that but they are doing a supplemental release out at Ft Baker adjacent to the North tower of the GG Bridge in an effort to increase numbers too. 750K to 1 million this year was what I saw posted recently> Nice to be proactive! Ever fish in the Bay Area? I used to work with the Tyee Club at their net pen station off California City adjacent to the Tiburon Peninsula. Another great program too! Carcassman might recall that???
Water concerns? Always has been and always will be down there in the Golden State. Delta pumps come to mind tonight as they finally got them turned off in the spring as there were more stripers down that I-5 ditch to LA in the impoundments than in SF Bay of the Pacific Ocean off the beaches! World is a CRAZY place for sure these days.
All I want to do is FISH!