#985954 - 02/23/18 12:06 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: 5 * General Evo]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
you need a new keyboard because its covered in jizz you fvckin putz.... You have to admit that was funny......
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985955 - 02/23/18 12:09 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Sol Duc]
The Chosen One
Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
Easy for you to say, Rambo. No school in the country pays *any* school guard, armed or not, enough money to go take on an active mass school shooting by themselves. Can't say that I blame the guy. That's why God invented BACK UP! Without the NRA you might not be able to go buy a gun. The more you post, the more I wish there wasn't the NRA........ I am sure a math teacher with a six hour course in being a "good guy with a gun" will whip out his gat and save the day, though. Why do you hate 'merica, Toff?
T.K. Paker
#985957 - 02/23/18 12:13 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Sol Duc]
The Chosen One
Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
I'm still a little confused how that even came in to the conversation over on that thread. Did you hit your head that evening?
Maybe lay off the booze a bit.......Rambo?
PS. Notice how NO ONE gave a shart either? Yeah, they still don't.
Winning? Congrats?
T.K. Paker
#985959 - 02/23/18 12:19 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Sol Duc]
The Chosen One
Registered: 02/09/00
Posts: 13951
Loc: Mitulaville
Didn't you see the study that just came out that said *moderate* consumption of booze and coffee leads to longer life?
(I'm presuming that means not mixed together......because coffee and gin sucks badly.)
I'm living and Moderating forever, motherfarkers!
T.K. Paker
#985966 - 02/23/18 02:50 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: ]
River Nutrients
Registered: 11/05/04
Posts: 2572
Loc: right place/wrong time
He had one (1) job and that was to protect the kids at that school. He was trained to, and he was supposed to, enter the school, confront the shooter and kill the shooter.
He failed. Yes he did, and the FBI failed, and what will happen to the civil servant and to the bureaucracy? The answer is nothing, because they will not be held accountable, why?, because of the unions and while I have been a member of a union and it did serve my purpose it was but a crutch, and if I had continued to rely on it I would still be a Democrat. are you insinuating that all teachers are morons that cant shoot? how many teachers are there in the US? how many have CPL's and cant carry because its a gun free zone?
i bet there are plenty of teachers that shoot better than most people saying its "not the answer"...
im past 21 so heres what i say we do, because "children" arent mentally stable enough for such a dangerous gun.... just like the gun shop owner said...
make the age 21, sure, its gonna screw alot of kids out of something but it is what it is, they arent mentally stable enough to own such a dangerous weapon....
increase the age to joining the military to 21, because "children" arent mentally stable enough to be put in such an environment, and be handed a fully automatic version of a civilian firearm that causes so much damage....
lastly, increase the age of voting to 21, because, we dont need children that arent mentally stable enough to possess a firearm, making decisions on how this country is ran....
simple... done.... problem solved...
i read an article the other day that talked about how much more deadly the AR rifles are than ANY other firearm....
what a crock of sh!t, they fire the .223/5.56 round, and coincidentally, those rounds are also fired out of bolt guns, pump guns, single shots, semi autos, and the small pistol/rifle weapons... a short barrel also doesnt always achieve maximum performance from a round, so a bolt gun with a different twist rate, longer barrel, and the right ammo, could actually do a hell of alot more damage than an AR could ever dream of....
a bullet is a bullet, wether fired from a bolt gun, a semi auto, or a fvckin musket... they all kill, they all do damage, and they are all built for the same purpose...
i have friends that for that last 2 years have been ending friendships, screaming, arguing and all this bullsh!t about police shooting un armed blacks, its the COPS FAULT COP COP COP... but when a kid shoots another kid, or multiple, its always back to the GUN GUN GUN....
GTFOH.... While I do not agree with every thing that you typed In in your post, in it's totality it would go a long way to stop school shootings.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill
"So it goes." Kurt Vonnegut jr.
#985975 - 02/23/18 04:24 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Sol Duc]
River Nutrients
Registered: 10/28/09
Posts: 3348
People who do crisis training will tell you "first responders" is a misnomer for official responders. In any case, the true first responders are the victims. That said, arming teachers creates all sorts of new problems, not the least of which is that most teachers will tell you, regardless of their views on guns, they want no part of packing heat in their classrooms. Why? BECAUSE GUNS DON'T BELONG IN SCHOOLS.
I don't think we can maintain our right to bear arms without stuff like this happening once in a while. There really is no perfect solution I can see to people being born crazy or driven that way. The perfectly sane, upright citizen who passed a background check today might get screwed over by someone tomorrow, and then we're all dealing with another unstable person with ill intentions and an assault rifle (bad combination). That said, it seems to me that raising the age for purchasing assault rifles to 21 (while it wouldn't stop most shootings) could certainly do something to prevent school shootings, being as most school shooters have been students or recent students. The bump stock thing seems like common sense to me, but it likely won't solve much either.
My crazy idea? Teach all kids martial arts self-defense skills in PE class. Teach them how to neutralize scum by non-lethal, yet utterly bad a$$ means. They'll get a real "kick" out of it, it will be great exercise, and, when the time comes, they'll be prepared to go full Chuck Norris on a shooter. I'd say, considering the way we've seen kids take charge and help others while these events are happening, that it's pretty likely a few kids would be brave enough to do just that if they were trained. Could save the military a lot on self-defense training and make our civilians a fearsome fighting force. Would probably do a lot to discourage bullying, too....
Told you it was crazy, but I don't think it's as crazy as the notion that more guns will end gun violence.
#985979 - 02/23/18 04:38 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: The Moderator]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
Didn't you see the study that just came out that said *moderate* consumption of booze and coffee leads to longer life?
(I'm presuming that means not mixed together......because coffee and gin sucks badly.)
I'm living and Moderating forever, motherfarkers! I don't need to use booze, cigs, or any other substances to deal with life. Have a good weekend Parker.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985980 - 02/23/18 04:41 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: The Moderator]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
Didn't you see the study that just came out that said *moderate* consumption of booze and coffee leads to longer life?
(I'm presuming that means not mixed together......because coffee and gin sucks badly.)
I'm living and Moderating forever, motherfarkers! Don't fck with my black strong coffee !
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985981 - 02/23/18 04:49 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: The Moderator]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
"No school in the country pays *any* school guard, armed or not, enough money to go take on an active mass school shooting by themselves.
Can't say that I blame the guy. That's why God invented BACK UP"
You are that "guy" UFB...Hope you're being facetious...but I doubt it. No warrior genes in boat whores.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985982 - 02/23/18 04:53 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Sol Duc]
Shooting Instructor for hire
Registered: 10/26/10
Posts: 7204
Loc: Snohomish, WA
Now there is word that up to 4 officers stayed outside behind their vehicles. "The cowards of Broward".
The Sheriff is not long in his current position. Punk bitch KNEW this happened before he got on stage and grandstanded. 39 calls to Broward, 2 calls to the FBI and other assorted f ups. Sickening.
Molon Labe motherfcvkers.
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02
#985983 - 02/23/18 04:54 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: FleaFlickr02]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
Oh... The reason for using non-lethal force to neutralize the scum?
If we keep them alive, we can publicly shame and torture them to the slow, excruciating death they deserve. THAT'S the kind of social attention I think we need to shower on school shooters and the like if we don't like watching this happen.
Cruel and unusual punishment is generally frowned on in our society. I sometimes wonder why; seems absolutely appropriate for murderous scum. More charter schools. Spot on flick.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985984 - 02/23/18 04:59 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: NickD90]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
Now there is word that up to 4 officers stayed outside behind their vehicles. "The cowards of Broward".
The Sheriff is not long in his current position. Punk bitch KNEW this happened before he got on stage and grandstanded. 39 calls to Broward, 2 calls to the FBI and other assorted f ups. Sickening.
Molon Labe motherfcvkers.
columbine was suppose to be what not to do if you're L.E. As long as they go home safe to their families. Pathetic.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985993 - 02/23/18 08:22 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Sol Duc]
Registered: 01/09/14
Posts: 2298
Loc: Sky River(WA) Clearwater(Id)
To neutralize any deadly threat, you need highly trained, skilled individuals....NOT a fukin redneck with a concealed carry, NOT a teacher with a coarse certificate, NOT the dude that "builds guns" in his garage on Saturday and shoots at paper motion targets, or the schlump that shows his piece in a Wal-Mart parking lot... These asshats will "react" to the situation and kill everybody but the shooter. To prevent and lessen the likelyhook(lol) of a bad situation a highly trained, stone cold, tactical neutralizer needs to be placed on the premise, imo, doesn't have to be in uniform, but present. No teachers, no cowboys, no soccer mom's packin
Just my .02
#985995 - 02/23/18 09:07 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Bent Metal]
April Fool
Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 15727
I pretty much agree, it ain't too hard. Have one entrance and one exit, with a trained marksman in a bullet proof cubical. If a student doesen't have his proper ID he's not getting in. Back packs and musical instruments get scanned or checked. But if someone wants to kill a lot of kids just wait until school is over.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
- Albert Einstein.
#985996 - 02/23/18 09:09 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Bent Metal]
River Nutrients
Registered: 07/11/04
Posts: 3091
Loc: Bothell, Wa
To neutralize any deadly threat, you need highly trained, skilled individuals....NOT a fukin redneck with a concealed carry, NOT a teacher with a coarse certificate, NOT the dude that "builds guns" in his garage on Saturday and shoots at paper motion targets, or the schlump that shows his piece in a Wal-Mart parking lot... These asshats will "react" to the situation and kill everybody but the shooter. To prevent and lessen the likelyhook(lol) of a bad situation a highly trained, stone cold, tactical neutralizer needs to be placed on the premise, imo, doesn't have to be in uniform, but present. No teachers, no cowboys, no soccer mom's packin
Just my .02 You mean like someone from the Broward Sheriffs Dept?
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan
"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.
"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler
#985998 - 02/23/18 09:41 PM
Re: Puzzee Deputy Sheriff hid.......
[Re: Bent Metal]
Lord of the Chums
Registered: 03/29/14
Posts: 6778
To neutralize any deadly threat, you need highly trained, skilled individuals....NOT a fukin redneck with a concealed carry, NOT a teacher with a coarse certificate, NOT the dude that "builds guns" in his garage on Saturday and shoots at paper motion targets, or the schlump that shows his piece in a Wal-Mart parking lot... These asshats will "react" to the situation and kill everybody but the shooter. To prevent and lessen the likelyhook(lol) of a bad situation a highly trained, stone cold, tactical neutralizer needs to be placed on the premise, imo, doesn't have to be in uniform, but present. No teachers, no cowboys, no soccer mom's packin
Just my .02 LOL... you are a pussy just like the cop... ever heard of the Troops to Teachers program ya silly bitch? thats combat trained veterans, that become teachers.... wonder how many vets that are teachers in the US.... but you know better right, fvckin potato head....
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