Blue Angels public relations shows aren't for training fighter pilots.
Where do Blue Angel pilots go after they are done serving their term on this demonstration team?
Oh that's right. Back to flying off of a carrier as an active duty combat pilot. Last time I checked, that required constant training and flying.
Training is training and does it really matter if it's in a shiny blue old F-18, or a new F-18 SuperHornet? Flight maneuvers are still the same. Hours logged are hours logged. Since I'm paying for it, might as well get something out of it.
When fishing on the Sauk last week we were treated to the usual...jets from NSW flying up and down the valley. That's pilot training, and cool t see.
NAS Whidbey "Usual Pilot Training".
SUCK IT, Blue Angels!

Maverick and Goose were unavailable for comment, but I do believe they were giving someone "the bird" during this SeaFair flight demo of an NAS Whidbey SuperHornet.

Speaking of waste of taxpayer money......12 million dollar per mile. That's what it is costing Seattle tax payers for some fvcked up bike lanes in the downtown area.
12 million dollars per mile.
How's that one feel for ya, Stam? Glad you're living in West Seattle to help pay for that too. We can share the pain.
Blues ain't got nuthin' on Seattle! Hate to say it, but I think it's time for Dan to burn the city down. Light 'em up, Dan!