Looking at dicks doesn't make you gay. Looking at dicks and getting aroused makes you gay. Pretending you didn't see dicks because you are repressing your feelings of getting you aroused makes you a closeted gay, or in this case, Hankster.
You keep fantasizing but sorry I'm straight. Even if I were gay, I would not be interested in dicks but in ass, as I'd be a Power Top. But since unlike you I'm not gay, I'd prefer the bottom to be someone with a vagina.
So, what I've learned from this thread is that Romans, Greeks, and possibly Italians have small, uncut wieners and women back then had small tits, no pubes and cankles.
So, what I've learned from this thread is that Romans, Greeks, and possibly Italians have small, uncut wieners and women back then had small tits, no pubes and cankles.
Pardon me, but weren't Romans Italians? And is it possible shaved pu$$y was a thing before the 90's?
Not all Italians were Romans. And about shaving.....it should have always been a thing. I don't like the idea of firing up my Ryobi weed wacker to see the promised land.
Shaving of public hair goes back to at least the Babylonian Talmud.
"It is a custom of Jewish women to shave their pubic hair, so how did Tamar have any pubic hair at all? Answer: Since Tamar was not Jewish on both side, only through her father (King David) while her mother was a gentile [David fell in love with a gentile captive and took her to wife, what is called by the sages “A beautiful woman [captive]”] she did not have the custom of shaving her pubic hair." (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 21a)
There are only 2 reasons to shave off pubic hair, to look like a child or to get rid of crab lice. Seeing how perverted the rest of the Talmud is, either one fits.
I don't know what kind of barnyard animals you are banging up in Duvall if you need a weed wacker. If you like shaved pu$$y you are a pedophile. Lay off the Jewish porn and find some nice blondes with dainty muffs you lowlife scumbag.
Probably lead the Nation in the "Buckweat in a Headlock" category too. Well, at least up in Duvall aparently.
Originally Posted By: Snake Pliskin
So, what I've learned from this thread is that Romans, Greeks, and possibly Italians have small, uncut wieners and women back then had small tits, no pubes and cankles.
There is an old saying about Seattle. They are nicest people that you'll never get to know. For you's that have been here a long time, this will probably hit home.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.
There is an old saying about Seattle. They are nicest people that you'll never get to know. For you's that have been here a long time, this will probably hit home.
Same could be said for anywhere in Oregon,especially Ashland,land of giant bush and wiccan cum sluts.
This keeps getting better. I bet they were chopping off a baby’s dick at the time he kicked in the door. I was wrong they were chopping off TWO babies’ dicks. Not only was a jew sucking a mutilated babies penis, but at the behest of a married gay couple? Jewish homos steal goy children, cut parts of their dicks off and sodomize them. Absolute degeneracy.
Jewish homos steal gay children, cut parts of their dicks off, and sodomize them.
As a moderator, I'd just like to point out a typo and an issue with your sentence:
Fixed that typo for you.
And, to be clear to the reader, who is sodomizing what again? From your sentence, one could read that as the Jewish Homos are sodomizing cutt off parts of children dicks.
I've added in a comma to break apart the action of that sentence and to clear things up for the reader.
If you would like to learn little more, here is a Rabbi explaining that the goyim are non-human beasts in human form created to be slaves of the Jew.
Gee, I wonder why this synagogue was helping the migrant caravan? Out of the goodness to their blessed chosen hearts or that they wanted more goyim to serve them?
Also, I wouldn't call a baby gay. Baby's aren't born gay, they only become gay during puberty after being sexually abused.