Its Now time for me to RANT a little so I can get this to off my mind. I have had this bothering me now for over a month and will continue through November with the hipocrites saying anything about the Hump fishery. If people would set back and listen to themselves they would see what maybe other people such as WDFW ,COUNSEL,INDIANS,AND OTHERS WE FIGHT WITH. I am so pissed that I apologize for my spelling and jumbled Quotes but there is so many of them from a few people that I still consider BB friends and would like to fish with. I just have to get this off my shoulders so I can fish without felling that I need to wake on water when I see them fishing so places they complain about every year. Again forgive me for missprnts but I am pissed right now.
The 2007 WDFW plan currently on the table is yet another sure-fire formula for over-exploitation. Think about it folks.... 501 fish for the bay comes out to a harvest rate of only 16 fish per day. Anybody out there actually believe the sport fleet is so lame that they can only muster 16 dead kings a day with hundreds of boats plying the water each day in October? Get real! I know a handful of regulars that could single-handedly blow thru those fish without blinking! That allocation will be bonked before we see three tide exchanges after the opening bell! Any takers on that bet?
(This did not happen but we know who was there more than anyone else because we heard the NO SHOW rant)
As anglers busily prepare this weekend for the much anticipated opening day of the Grays Harbor salmon season on Monday, I cringe to think about how many chinook salmon will perish during the month-long kill fishery sanctioned by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife this fall.
Moreover, participation in Grays Harbor sport fisheries is expected to be extraordinarily high due to poor salmon forecasts in other regions of the state. To make matters worse,
chinook salmon fishing has just been closed in the mainstem Columbia River and all of its major Southwest Washington tributaries (Washougal Lewis, Kalama, Cowlitz, Toutle, Green, and Elochoman Rivers). Angling pressure from those streams will be displaced to the closest and most convenient area open to chinook retention…. you guessed it, Grays Harbor and the Chehalis Basin!
(You were the guys busily preparing along with everyone else).
I take a carefully planned week off work with the intent of fishing a full boat each and every day... on my barge, that means at least five rods. With the forgone opportunity I leave behind at the office/hospital, it ain't worth my while to piddle around with one or two rods. Frankly that's an utter waste of time and money... and more importantly, WASTED OPPORTUNITY!
(What more then one Hypocrite on this we page).
Virtually all of you had seats reserved months ahead... pre-empting any number of folks from claiming said seat. I've got dozens of enthusiastic friends, patients, and professional colleagues that I am embarrassed to have to turn down when I'm asked if I could take them fishing. Hell there's even enthusiastic guys on this board wondering why I haven't yet invited them along for the ride.
(No don’t tell me that all these trips had people from this forum).
The Chehalis side is where all the problems are... there simply are NOT enough fish to support 4 weeks of combined chinook retention in 2-2 AND mainstem Chehalis.
(You know who you are I saw you there)
The Hump piece of the WDFW plan is fine the way it is. There are plenty of surplus fish to support a chinook kill season Oct 16-Nov 30.
( I believe this is true)
Yes it's still open. A healthy king surplus was forecast and it's wide open season on kings in the Hump for six weeks.... all the way to the end of Nov.
(Looks that we are all wrong on this one but fih the hell out of it and post those pictures)
If they believe the entire sport fleet can only take 16 paper fish a day, they can easily justify 31 days of chinook retention in the bay.
(What was the total daily counts lots of days without 16 fish days from the launch reports).
If you plan to fish local waters for salmon, I would urge you to limit your individual chinook impact in some meaningful way. I am not suggesting that you adopt a “release-them-all” stance as biologists believe harvestable chinook are available in limited numbers. I simply ask that you pause and consider which ones are worth bonking before you decide to wield the wood shampoo.
I’m calling out to the conservationist in each and every one of you! If we want chinook salmon to return in healthy numbers in the years to come, it’s our collective responsibility to be a little “softer” on the resource when the need arises. It’s clear our state’s fish managers are unwilling to step up to the plate. Are you?
( This is someone’s backyard fishery stay away).
Not a hen...
Not over 30#...
Not a problem...
For the record that fish would have died in my boat as well. See what I mean...
My wife caught this fish in the ocean not the Johns
It was weighed on Westport Official Scale and scaled out at 27.45 lbs.(37 inches)
Not a boot this is after hours in ice chest.
I knew I would eventually have to fend off a reply like this when I posted these pics...
Originally Posted by FastAction
You know the Kenai isnt the only spot where the gene pool could use some preserving.. Why wouldnt you release that big buck in hopes for a 25lb dink?
Maybe because it's only a 23# dink
If my wife’s fish is 37 inches and is shoulder to knee. Remember she is 5’6”.
Sunglasses to knee or below ? Don’t know how tall he is but what I have seen of him while fishing the Johns would say “guessing” 5’4” to 5’ 7” what would you rate this fish at it was not 23lbs. And lets hear who was running that camera because there should be more the one on that barge.
Frankly this would be worth the time and money... and more importantly, WOULD NOT BE A WASTED OPPORTUNITY!
I also would like to apologize for my ranting but I get sick and tired of listening to hypocrites and there side kicks. I just want to hear the real deal.