Trucks and SUV's aplenty, but the only car I've owned for myself is my current commuter car. 2014 Mazda3 Grand Touring. Got the one with all the bells and whistles I could get at the time. Biggest engine, HUD, 360 degree radar, paddle shifters, etc.

Light little car that when you take it out of automatic sloth fuel saving mode, press the Sport Mode button and use the paddle shifters on the steering wheel, the little beast is quick to go from a stop. Got's some zoom zoom in it! Not muscle car kinda zoom zoom, but good enough to beat most of the cars on the streets.

Seattle Prius Uber/Lyft drivers beware! rofl

I want a Tesla. I want a car that can pretty much drive itself and yet still have a "Ludicrous" Mode.

Tule King Paker