Originally Posted By: Carcassman
My personal favorite from amongst those I've owned is a '71 Super Beetle. Went anywhere, cheap to run, cruised at 70. I think my wife's favorite was a '69 Firebird. Needed a manual instead of automatic but was great, too.

My grandparents had a '68 Hurst Olds, which as my Grandad said would pass anything on the road except a gas station. Got 8 mpg, burning Ethel. That one would have been fun to have, even now.

The only car I ever really wanted was a mid-60s GTO. Don't know why, because cars are basically for transportation but that one always caught my eye.

If I had a bunch of disposable money I would want some sort of smaller sports model, standard transmission, that stuck to road like glue, to drive on roads like CA 1, with the top down.

Earlier this month we drove from Ft Bragg to Costa Mesa, primarily on 1. Had lunch in Big Sur and when we left there were 4 older Porsches in the parking lot. A groups of friends cruising the Coast.

Had a 71 Super Beetle myself. I could go where four wheelers went in most cases and if I got stuck two guys could just lift it out and off we went. Tough little car!