Originally Posted By: Sol Duc
A big NOTHING burger. You LWWJ can suck a big Elephant COCK !

Crickets........from whinybeeetch and Toad. beer

Face it....you clowns are fcked. BOOM BOOM

Sol Idiot,
Do you and Hank compare notes on how to look as dumb as possible? I'm sure your retention skills are challenged at best but those of us that are educated and can read and retain what we've read know that the report was full of obstruction and if you can see and hear and watched Mueller in his press conference you should have been able to see (and hear) that he in fact absolutely did not exonerate Trump from obstruction.

So once again I will say what I've been saying for the last 2 years. Trump got elected by complete ignorant, clueless, boneheaded, racist, misinformed, uniformed, fake christians, and all other forms of low life and/or greedy wealthy @ssholes that care only about themselves and their money.

I doubt that you voted because I would bet that you have a rap sheet that probably includes a felony or multiple felonies which of course makes your worthless opinions even more worthless if that is even possible.

You and Hank should move into Hanks apartment flophouse together. You guys can share Lindsey Graham in a threesome. Just think Sol Smuck you and Hank can get it on with Lindsey while spewing outrageous right wing verbal diarrhea. When you're done you can wipe with Hank's swastika embossed wife beater t-shirt. Idiot!!!!

Edited by gooybob (05/31/19 10:04 AM)