Wanka$$ is a POS. Fuk that old stinky POS. The results of his trolling
makes Americans hate each other, which is exactly what our enemies want.

I just had a conversation with my coworker who proudly displays his MAGA hat on his desk, totally normal guy, and he doesn't have to blame Dims for all the problems in the world. He doesn’t defend every thing Trump does, licking every drop up off the floor like Wanka$$, saying Dims did it worse. He sees nuances and is disturbed by Trump and Dims equally depending on who and what.

Moderates are everywhere and they are enemies of folks like Wank. Why is that? Is it because Wank is a stinky old POS that would rather burn it down than build it back up because his life is nearly over and the world has changed like it always has? Why would anybody spend so much time on politics if he clearly is so cynical? Why not just eat that bullet and not try to start a civil war everywhere you go like some of the troll Trump Guzzlers?

This stinky old POS needs to get buried.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.