Originally Posted By: elparquito
Yeah, the fun begins at 50.

I got the full roofie for my colonoscopy. Don’t know what they did to me, don’t recall a thing, and don’t care.

If a movie shows up on the internet, it’s NOT the JackHammer. I swear.

Honestly, the worst part of the procedure is the prep solution they make you drink the night before. To me, it tasted exactly like the smell of fresh king salmon slime. Like a cross between the smell of a springer and Tule. It was horrific. I choked down the 4 liters eventually, but I damn near hurled by the end.

I found out later that there is a solution that is a fraction of the volume but you’ll end paying out of pocket for it. I do not care what it costs! Not doing the salmon slime mix again!

Finger up the butt doesn’t start until one is 55. I have 4 more years to find a sweet little Asian female doctor with small fingers. I need to ditch my current Doc, as he was a lineman for the Detroit Tigers. Those hands can’t be a good thing.

Oh, check out Vicky Stark on YouTube. I’d move to Florida to catch and release that peacock bass!
rofl I have heard the concoction is brutal,but no one ever described it to me in such detail. That sounds horrible!