Yeah, I told all the doctors that and no one heard that either.

I really really really dislike the smell of a springer or tule. Somehow, my brain associated the taste of that solution to the smell of these skanky kings. I can instantly tell if someone has netted a springer the day before...because their net, no matter how rinsed, smells like a nasty-ass springer.

I dislike the smell of a springer so much so, that I generally give away most, if any, springer I catch. To me, even eating a fresh springer tastes like they smell. DIS-FVCKING-GUSTING.

I'm a good person to take springer I'll generally give away any springer I catch.

Tules also stink, but it's a different kind of stink. If I had to rate the two, springers and white kings stink worse when they come out of the water over a tule.

I think I'm smelling the high fat content in these all white kings seem to have the same awful smell of a springer. I can instantly tell by the smell if I've caught a white king out of the ocean, etc. They just reek.

A fresh king, if it's not a springer, tule, or white king, smells like a king should smell. That smell doesn't bother me.

THe prep solution was truly not good.

You drink 4 liters of springer/tule/white king slime and tell me how that goes for you.

Actually, the more I write this, the more I'm convinced it's just me. You all seem to go goo goo over nasty ass springers. I'm guessing you all would LIKE this prep solution.

Sick mother fvckers......
Tule King Paker