That fish just didnt whant to cooperate.

Could'nt start my recon yesterday as we had a blow out on the way to the river and it ruined out trip. Dont think it mattered anyways as we didnt start our day till about noon and I heard that the Bogie was a complete madhouse. Fifty boats from the dimmel drift to the tall timbers hole.

In about 4 hours I will be doing a little Nate recon on a less crowded drift on a river to the north. We will be floating Bear Creek so im expecting a few less boats than the hatchery run on the Bogie.

Weather willing we will have round 2 of Parker and Rich G on the OP late next week. Dont expect me to let you catch all the fish like last time though.

If we are lucky we will have a few more nates in the mix by the time you come back.