Thanks Silver....

1) how many people do you want to carry?

I think I'd like to shoot for 2 people fishing and one on the ores.. smile

2) Do you have a basic preference for fiberglass or aluminum?

I was leaning tward Aluminum.. of a comb of the two... What are the pros/cons of Aluminum vs. fiberglass?? I'm assuming Al is more durable...better suited to Cracker mistakes..??

3) Do you fly fish?

Primary use of boat would be Ironhead and Salmon, I have Family in the Yakima area so I fish the Yakima River almost evry time I make it over there. But this is a secondary concern..

4) Do you feel the need to mount a motor on the boat?

I definitly do not NEED to mount a motor on it.. but the option might be nice.
--mmm chub-o-lishous...