Well, I for one have missed your injections, thoughts, and good humour on the board lately. Everyone gets a little peeved at things from time to time and even on a regular basis (just ask my wife). Your candor, honesty, and passion for the issues you hold as important are well respected. Personally, I like to see some passion being voiced in a constructive manner on the board, which most of your posts are. Thank you for your honesty in this issue BTW (I've just figured out what BTW is after two years and plan on abusing it without regard).

Just to let you know, I've equipped my Olympic with a new canvas (no more holding on to the side flaps at 40mph...oh wait, you didn't have to partake in that since we never got it up over 10mph), in turn a professionally tuned motor, and an RT sized commercial truck inner tube velcroed to the port side passenger seat for your between strik lounging comfort. Let me know if your winter of physical inactivity has resulted a front loader sized tube to fit your posterior so I can adjust accordingly.

As far as medical advice (my personal cures usually involve a bottle of Tulamore Dew or Jameson so they aren't valid), I have numerous friends from ny old Sun Valley ski-bumming days who have had issues with meds (in SV I think the sauce could have been a side issue) and nagging pain from blown knees, ruined lower backs etc... turned to acupuncture and homeopathic cures. Just a thought.

Good to hear from you RT!
Chasing old rags 500 miles from home.