The problem is that the retailers and resturants don't know the difference between hatchery and native steelhead. In fact they would rather market it as "wild" since this sounds better to the uneducated consumer. Who wants to buy a fish labled hatchery or farm raised if you can buy a fish labled wild.

Even if the retailer knows the difference, there are no guarentees unless they have the whole fish, and can determine it's oirigin. I would not trust the fish wholesallers as far as I can throw them. They will tell the retailer anything to make the sale. Trust me, I was in the resturant industry for several years, and have alot of experience working with the major fish wholesalers.

I've often thought about creating a web-site listing the retailers that are selling steelhead, and asking consumers to boycot those establishments. Done properly, this could motivate the retailers not to carry steelhead.
