the skoks are a different story. they dont target nates. ( there aren't many left)people dont understand the skok saltwater fishery. all those chums that they strip the eggs from and throw overboard, are their hatchery fish that they raised. they all die in the salt water, because they have nowhere to go. on any given day. i can look out of my window,and count over a hundred seals on the mouth of the skok. these seals are responsible for a lot of the fish decline.( i think high levels of pcb's are contributing to a large amount of fish , seal, and bald eagle mortality.) look back only 50 years ago, and you will find a large skok run with monster steelies. the biggest culprit on the skok is the commie pinko skumbag tacoma city light dam up at lake cushman.the only people trying to do anything about that dam is the skok indians.the skoks are not the problem. take out the dam,plant back the trees,get rid of the nets and the fishermen, and then you will see a great fish run on the skok