Ahh CFM,

Getting your blood pressure elevated again I see.

The President has certain executive powers at his disposal granted him by the Constitution. The senate vote was a resolution supporting the descision to use military force if deemed necessary. It wouldn't matter if 100% of senators voted to give GW special wartime powers. ALL of Congress (House and Senate) would have to pass this by majority in order for those powers to legally take effect. An official declaration of war is also something that is done by Congress.

Since only 1/3 of the Senate seats are up for election every 2 years, how would you suggest that we vote out enough Senators to remove the majority that supported the resolution?

Issues of war are pretty much NEVER decided by popular opinion. If they were, our involvement in Viet Nam would have ended years earlier than it did.

Again, as I stated before, just because someone disagrees with the course of action that our current president appears about to take, DOES NOT mean that they love their country or support the troops ANY LESS than those who want to march in and leave a smoking hole where Iraq used to be.

p.s. Excellent post stlhead. Now if all of the flag waving and Battle Hym of the Republic playing would stop long enough for people to see your logic, then maybe.... well we could only hope. beathead beathead
A day late and a dollar short...