For those of you interested in learning about the role of BIG OIL in the looming conflict, please review the following links. Bear in mind that all countires have an economic interest in this conflict. So when we hear the anti-war side talking about how this is a oil war, remember that on the French and Russian side there are self-serving oil interests as well. It is incredibly myopic to say this war is all about oil and put the blame on the US. Because the other side of the "oil arguement", the side of the coin that the anti-war side doesn't mention, is that France and Russia have huge oil interests as well (and other contracts to boot). And those interests cause them to oppose war - regardless of whether it is the right action to take vis a vis WMD. Their opposition is hardly altruistic or humanitarian. They have their nationalist goals just as all countries do. I wish people would take that into a little more consideration when the "BIG OIL" argument is pulled out. Here are some helpful links from a variety of sources, both "pro" and "anti" US.: (this is a long article but has excellent information about the French connection in assisting Iraq to develope an atomic bomb).,11319,857735,00.html
Mike, Editor "Featuring readers lake and saltwater reports."