Well once again I told you to be careful about what you ask for! laugh

You just said for the second time; "Once again..those people that are requesting the link what are you doing with the link..snooping or actually serving a constructive purpose.

Since I am not revealing the members name, nor will I reveal there board name, I believe that she will not mind me revealing the "context" of her email to me. This should answer you ltlCLEO! laugh

(no hope for the gooose)

And I qoute "I wanted to send this privately because I'll probably get jumped big time if I posted it on the board.

For months my ex-husband has been giving me a sob story about cut in pay and voluntary demotions, layoff worries, etc.. due to the cost of the green river murder trial, he works for King County.

Thanks to your post of this, I have found the truth about his income which is that he's actually making a hell of a lot more and got a promotion to boot while I've been struggling with the loss of a job and took a huge pay cut to just get working again, with a refusal for any extra help from him.

Thanks for the info from a very grateful single mom :-)

Now to me, that makes up for all the other whining that I heard that were apposed to this information!!

Well Aunty, something really good did come out of this thread for at least one single mom! How many more Moms will benefit that we will never hear back from is any bodies guest? That must be why so many guys got so excited…you think laugh

One more rat bites the just!! laugh laugh

PS; Crow pie for gooose...crow pie for goose laugh


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????