Lower madison in Montana salmonfly hatch 9-noon fishing big dry flies I caught over 40 trout the smallest measured 16 inches most of them were 18-20 with two brute brown trout caught back to back that measured 24 inches.

There was another day on th Washougal when i was a kid where i got into a pod of fall steelhead ( not late summers) an actual fall run. chrome bright the day before thanksgiving water was in summer flows and i nailed 5 out of that pod in about 15 minutes. every single one of them chrome bright with lice all on eggs. The largest about 12 pounds was a buck that i missed once and took violently on the next cast.. Here's a tip if you miss a bite with eggs try covering the same spot with a bait of eggs on the swing. but whatch out you don't get your arms ripped off..
dang i miss havning lots of wild fish in the Washougal frown