It took me 3 tries to get into a little piece of heavan called Haggen lakes.These lakes are protected by some very forboding country and are the head waters of my favorite river.The drainage is apropriatly called Crazy creek.

The trout fishing was absolutely phenomanal.I spent three days up there by myself catching fish after fish.A casting bubble and a dryfly was the method.The grasshopper fly would sit out there for maybe five seconds and "slurp" you were into another.These fish were so pristine humans meant nothing to them.While fighting one, the rest would scurry around it looking for the source of its excitement,which had to be food,it could by no means be a death fight with a predator.I would fight a sixteen only to watch two or three eighteens franticly trying to find a piece of the imaginary pie.

It was a truely humbling experience just getting there.It is enough of a challenge that I felt privelaged to be there.Like I was the guest of god almighty and I had better behave as such.

Some of you that know me have asked why I spend so much time fishing my favorite river, when there are other rivers with more fish in them.You would understand if you had experienced the magic I did on that trip.