Todd you guys can spin it all you want!

The truth is your loosing your argument! The legal "snow ball" has started rolling, and its heading your way:D

This should really add even more strength to your theory about Forks \:D

PS; I hear that there is a lot more snow in the path \:D ….its getting bigger and bigger


Chamber of Commerce
March 1, 2004

Chairman State Fish& Wildlife Commission
600 Capital Way North
Olympia, WA 98501-1091

Chairman Roehl:

The Forks Chamber of Commerce share the concerns raised by the City of Forks regarding the decision by the Washington State Fish and Wildlife Commission to impose a two year-statewide moratorium on retaining wild steelhead.

The Forks Chamber of Commerce is a proud promoter of the healthy runs of salmon and steelhead in our Olympic Peninsula Rivers. Our Community welcomes all fisherfolk to enjoy our rivers and make their cast for sport or for food, and perhaps a trophy.

We feel that the manner in which the Commission made its decision failed to allow for public input or comment; and that the opportunity for public input is fundamental to an propitiate decision-making process. This is especially true on such a matter as this, that has a significant impact on our local rivers as well as our community.

There are many voices that should be heard, including residents, sportsmen, river guides, hotels & motels, and the Native American tribal authorities. We recognize that this is not a simple issue; and that there are strong opinions on all sides- all the more reason for public comment.

We also feel that the public, including the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Forks, should have the opportunity to read and study the scientific data upon which the Commission's decision was based. We would expect the data to be specific to rivers, and not general to the state as a whole. We have not seen such scientific data; but believe that a decision of this magnitude must have a scientific basis. In addressing all rivers in the state of Washington, the Commission's decision doe's not take into account the successful steelhead enhancement program at Snider Creek on the Sol Duc River that makes use of wild, brood stock.

For these reasons, the Forks Chamber of Commerce supports the City of Forks as they seek reconsideration of this decision. We join with them in requesting a stay in the decision.


Francis X. Walters

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????