I will admit that I will be right in the front row protesting the tribes if they exploit the WSR rule ..They will too. They do have an important point though and that is that they want to make sure everyone knows that they are the trump card in all fishing regulations, quotas and seasons. Anyone participating in the last meeting of the North of Falcon process just now getting underway will tell you how the tribes have manipulated that process to their advantage. The tribes want to control our fisheries and they have been doing a good job to that end. They are part of the process and feel they were not included so they will oppose the ruling.

Small group discussions are what gets things done with the commission and I have seen how the public testimony process is a patronizing side show that the commission has to put up with. Time and time again ttestimony and science have taken a back seat to commission decisions. Small groups like WSC have learned to work the process and have made progress forwarding their agenda just as PSA has done. The commercials have always been in front of the commission and WDFW and the sports community is still teething.. All of a sudden the process has shut out public testimony??? What has really happened is that the commission and WDFW has been pleading for input and it has been really lacking so they choose to do what the vocal groups ask for. If you don't ask you are not at the table when the decisions are made. So here comes NOF this week in Mill Creek and Lynnwood....Will you opposition squealers be there>?I will be. squeal for me boy!!! Weeeeeeee!!!
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