"Kerry presents himself more intellectually than Bush" this is not a fact it's someones feeling. Post some examples as proof please.

"Bush has not been completely forthcoming with the American populous" Again someone feelings post some examples please.

Seems to me you have a hard time telling the difference between emotion and fact now why does that not suprise me?

Let me post an example for you. "Bush lied and people died" was your quote for quite a while. Since then it has been the opinion of 3 independant investigations two US and one Brittish that that statement is not true. Secondly Bush's reasons for invading Iraq Are identical to Bill Clintons reasons for propsing the same in 1998 . Yet Bush is a liar. Third Clinton awarded a similar contract to Halliburton after the Balkan war under identical circumstances to the Bush Admins cantart with Halliburton in Iraq. Yet Bush did it for financial gain for friends. Do you see a pattern here in the facts?
Liberalism is a mental illness!