Originally posted by Rory Bellows:

Are you suggesting that you would vote for Bush in November if he pushed to have congress draw up a bill that would extend the Brady Bill (that they don't have the votes to pass) and signed it into law?
You're reaching there RB. There is more to this election than just guns and you know it. Not in a million years would I vote for Bush. He stands for just about everything I oppose and if it were Al Sharpton as the democratic nominee I would vote for Sharpton first! Bush is the symbol of all the is wrong in government and society for that matter. He was born with limited skills and intelligence so he rode the coattails of his father and the affluent GOP power brokers to get where he got to today. It's for damn sure he didn't get there on talent. His uses his phoney faith to pander to the Christian right and plays on the fears of the gullible (yes Rory I'm talking about you here). So no I would never vote for George Bush.