Aunty M,

The claims made by the numerous deorated honorably discharged veterans that served with Kerry in Vietnam in 'Unfit for Command' have not changed or been refuted---interestingly Kerry has had to change several of his versions of what happened in SE Asia since 'U 4 C' was published.

The authors of the book are donating the considerable profits from the #1 best selling book in the country to Veteran's charities.

Let's see......The Swift Vets for Truth are standing behind what they said (not for a profit motive) so that the truth is know about Kerry (knowing that they could be sued for everything they have if found to be lying)---and Kerry is 'flip-flopping' on his account of what happend in SE Asia since the book was published.....very interesting.

George Bush served in the 'Guard and received an Honorable Discharge--your side is having to forge documents to try and discredit his service.

What I find most hypocritical about the left (not you ) is that they are making such a big issue about Bush 43's service record compared to Kerry's. Bush said he honors Kerry's service and hasn't made his service 35 years ago the sole reason he should be elected--he's been Commander and Chief for almost four years.

Those on the left thought nothing of voting for Clinton (a known draft dodger) over two verifiable decorated war heros (Bush 41 and Dole). So it makes the comparison the left tries to make between Kerry's and Bush 43's military record laughable.

As for what Kerry did after he came home from Vietnam working with Hanoi Jane Fonda and the VVAW --John McCain has said that's fair game, and he should have to account for his actions and words (you'll be hearing alot more about it in the weeks to come).

As for other PP members opinions about the military--that's what makes this country great--we're all entitled to an opinion.
"Yes, I would support raising taxes"--Kanektok Kid