
Wow, I didn't realize pharmacutical drugs were so dangerous. Yet pot, LSD, and the other good stuff is illegal in this country. Pot never caused anybody to kill or commit suicide. U.S. drug laws are as bassakwards as Grandpa's King County politics, sorta' getting back to the topic.

I'm with Aunty M, and like the traditional druid tree, with lights and a variety of pagan ornaments. And I'll take traditional Christian/Christmas displays any day over the over-hyped crass commercialization of the X-mas holiday. I almost don't want to give or receive gifts just because of that. I've heard that a lot of businesses do 25 to 40% of their annual gross on X-mas related shopping. Only in America, I suppose.

Here's to Handel, a good musician if ever there was.


Salmo g.