It's a great piece dealing with the minds of these kids. Kip was the kid in Oregon. He was on anti depressants. The show was made before it was public what the effectsof anti depressants on teens where.

People laughed at Tom Cruise when he made his comments to Matt Lauer about Anti depressants because of his religion. But he was right on IMHO.

The marijuana laws are stupid as along as booze is legal.

If you all feel the "drug" laws are dumb do you think we should legalize Meth? Where do you draw the line?

Christmas is 365 days a year here. We let the kids expierience a normal Christmas and try to offset the greed lust and conspicious consumption they see going on around them with some down home traditions. We go up to the mountains and have a picnic and cut the tree in early Dec. We usually go sledding christmas eve.
Liberalism is a mental illness!