if there's enough water i prefer to drift eggs, (nothing better than tink, tink, tink, tap, tap, BAM ... you know the rest) runnings eggs properly take more fishin skills to run them right w/o having to re-tie & still gettin down where they need to be...

if water is low then i am forced to use jigs, jigs cover way more water and are way easier to fish, (essentially jigs require little to no fishin skills other than having enough sense get it near the bottom & to put some oil & a shrimp tail on it once in awhile) truthfully, with no animosity in my heart , a 10 year old can effectivelly fish a jig & bobber...

so, while I believe you can cover more water & catch more fish with a jig & bobber, I still prefer to run eggs...

(i guess i'm a hard headed old man) ...

both work about the same