
If it were me... I'd fish the Snohomish instead of the Skagit. The floods of '03 had much more effect up there than down here. Plus, the last couple of years the vis in the lower Skagit has been pretty bad due to glacial runoff from the Suiattle river. They're expecting over a million humpies back to the Snohomish system and it's a lot closer.

Launch the drifter near the end of an incoming tide at Maple st. in Snohomish. Row (or electric motor) upstream to just above the mouth of the Pilchuck river. Set the anchor and as the tide starts going out, put out a chartreuse tip #1 Dick Nite on a 4' leader, with about an inch of pencil lead for weight about 40' downstream and let the current do it's thing.

Doesn't get much easier.
A day late and a dollar short...