I don't barter recreational caught fish. I give some away to family and friends. We eat most of it. I still have 7 summeruns in the freezer and just had half a one the other night. Delicious. My wife fries rice and puts the left over steelhead in the rice with soy sauce and brocolli. My son wants me to smoke his fish up. They should stay good in the freezer until the end of the year. I finished off my springer last month.

I didn't get any nookie in the Sound when 9 and 10 were opened. to be honest I didn't try too hard. We've had crab twice a week since it opened. Steelhead carcuss is great bait for crawdads and/or crab. It doesn't get wasted. I haven't tried the beaches for coho yet this summer but will likely go and BBQ some up fresh. My buddy gave me 3 chunks of halibut as he brought back a bunch from Vancouver Island last week and filled his freezer along with some ling and nookie. My wife made some halibut ceviche last Sunday. Friday and Saturday I ate sushi at Whaling Days.
I'd Rather Be Fishing for Summer Steelhead!