I have been hunting Idaho for 5 years now. I still hunt this state but I am almost to the point I want to hang it up and spend my money out of the state. I have hunted ML Elk for 3 years nowbefore that I hunted Archery and am sick of the lame choice in GMU's. They don't get much compared to the others. It's fine if you just want meat but then again where are all the extra cow tags for the St Hellens units. Archery and Modern got hundreds more and the ML guys got nothing. I don't care because I only hunt horns but why not let the ML guys get a pice of the pie. The more guys out shooting them cows the less guys shooting the bulls.

I spend the same amount on my 10 day Idaho deer hunt as I spend hunting deer in Wa each year. Every year I bring home meat and have 2 heads on the wall. 1 in the Idaho book. All without dealing with the WDFW!!!! Going to start looking into hunting Elk in Idaho as well.

sorry for the rant. I'm just sick of WDFW. If it wasn't for our fishing I would leave this state for good. but I like fishing to much.
