I hunt a lot of timber. IMHO, the best weather for it is just enough rain to cover your sound. Wind and the noise it causes in the woods can get them stirring around but I've been in the timber when trees are falling and it ain't cool.
Obviously, in dry conditions it's harder to be quiet. In frozen conditions it can be impossible. When it's dry or frozen, I just take my steps when the wind gusts. Or just stop all together and let them be the ones to give themselves away with noise.
If you can find unpressured deer during the rut, it's not a huge deal if you make a little sound. The bucks will come to see who is on their turf.

Originally Posted By: Castingpearls

I mean if the deer aren't out in the clearcuts, odds are they're in the timber right?

I'm afraid they're in the reprod a lot of times. Ya know that nasty stuff you don't want to go in? The stuff where the trees are 8 feet tall and 8 feet apart? With devil's club and blackberries between them? That's the stuff.