Originally Posted By: IrishRogue
First, I'm really glad I don't know what the last three posts mean... I don't even want to guess.

Second, I saw the infomercial, and thought it was really great. I was going to vote for Obama before, and last night it made me PROUD to do it. Laugh all you want, but 33 MILLION people tuned in to watch it. The average major network showing it beat out the next best thing on TV. This for a political commercial, after nearly 2 years of campaigning. I couldn't believe the ratings when I saw them.

You were going to vote for him and you still watched it? You must really have time on your hands. 33 million watched it? Was that by the networks counts?

I would have watched it but I had other things to do. Like watch "Dog the Bounty Hunter" or the shopping channel. Or maybe clean my shop.

Otherwise I'm retired!