Psalm 2009-2012

The Obama is my shepherd; I shall not want financial freedom.
He makes me lay down my green to feed those who vote for him.
He leads me besides the quiet factories, closed while waiting for a stimulus.
He restores my faith in Ronald Reagan.
He guides me to pathway of poverty, for his namesake – Karl Marx.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of inflation,
I will fear no evil, for my guns are with me, and I have plenty of ammo.
Your eloquence and your teleprompter, they scare me.
You prepare a table before me with the food you took from me,
and feed it to the enemies of freedom and liberty.
You anoint my income with taxes; my 401k cup has been emptied.
Surely poverty and hard work will follow me all the days of my life,
because I can no longer afford to retire
I will dwell in a house in Gault’s Gulch, on strike,
dreaming forever that the LORD Obama is a tree, and I am a dog.



Edited by ISO Chrome (03/11/09 02:31 PM)