I was working and we had just returned to the station after an early morning run. 2 of the crew went back to bed and myself and our Lt. stayed up to read the paper and have coffee. Had the news on in the background, video was of the fire in the first building that got hit. We were commenting that FDNY had a helluva fire going. We were watching live when the second plane hit. Shortly after that we got an all call thoughout the bureau that no one was allowed to go home untill further notice. I was working OT at a differnt station that day so I went and took a shower to get ready to go there. While getting dressed one of the guys coming on duty came in the locker room and said that they had just hit the pentagon. I went to the station I was working at that day and when I walked in one of the guys had an AR15 laying on the kitchen table. Was a wierd day to be working, we had to always leave one guy with the rig, no one other than Fire Bureau people were allowed in teh station's. We spent the shift watching the news in between calls. Was sureal.