My buddy was home on leave from Ft. Bragg, and while he was home he bought a late 90's 3 series BMW. All black with dark tinted windows. I road tripped it with him back down to NC from here taking shifts driving so that we could make it straight through. I was asleep as we were going through South Dakota, and at 3am my buddy wakes me up, "Hey, wake up man, I'm getting pulled over. I might have been speeding." shocked We get pulled over to the side of the freeway, and as soon as the police officer opens his door, we hear the tell tale, "I want to eat your face off" bark of a German Shepard. We were totally clean of course, but the officer came to the door and immediately separated us pulling my buddy out of the car and telling me to "sit tight." Five minutes go by and he comes over to ask me where we're coming from, what we're doing, where we're going, etc. He leaves, my buddy gets back in the car and we were a couple a high fivin' white guys - he got a warning telling him to slow down. Must have looked kinda weird to have a blacked out beemer doing 95 down the freeway with WA plates at 3am. Even though we had nothing to worry about other than the speeding, the dog sure scared the [censored] out of me.
The Dude abides.